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Favourite Cheat Meals

Me and my wife always look at the KFC ads and say "Man that looks good", so we drive down, get it, get half way thru it and feel like sh!t for the next 2 hours. Then I hit the can and I wonder why I'm 1/2 a kg lighter!

... KFC does taste so good cold, the next day tho!
I eat 1-2 chicken breasts a night, so having it fried, hot n spicy, and with KFC coleslaw certainly makes a change from plain, grilled, with salt and pepper !LOL
Me and my wife always look at the KFC ads and say "Man that looks good", so we drive down, get it, get half way thru it and feel like sh!t for the next 2 hours. Then I hit the can and I wonder why I'm 1/2 a kg lighter!

... KFC does taste so good cold, the next day tho!

So im not the only one!

Its amazing how differently your body reacts to KFC/Maccas/HJ's etc after you have been eating healthy for a while. Before i started this current diet i would eat takeaway easily 3-4 times per week and never had a problem in terms of stomach aches or setting up camp on the toilet.

Since both me and my missus have been eating the right foods we have tried to eat takeaway a couple of times and felt absolutely terrible afterward.
HAHA yer ..

My diet has been roughly the same for the 15 or so years I've been training..high protein, low fat and low carbs.

I had a few years off when I had a junk food bender and man it really gets to you. There's additives in there that f**k with your head as well as your health and your gut!
Dominos firebreather, Big macs, chocolate oaks, pida (has to be made fresh in hamilton tho), greek food, particularly a souvlaki wrap, cans of mother, jack daniels...

**** ><
Grilled Chicken burger with a shit load of chips or definately pizza. My fav pizza is a chilli prawn pizza at Banky Sport's Club followed by a nice cuppucino.
Coffee is a real treat as well these days since I gave it up.
I dont know how you guys eat so much crap food... That shit actually turns me off.. I would rather go to a restaurant enjoy the best breads and dishes then finish off with a world class dessert.. not a mcflurry or some crap.

Make it worth your while ..

Im with you shrek a nice latte or espresso is a nice treat these days.
Lamb kebab, nice restaurant dinner, quarter pounder (at the moment), pizza.
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I dont know how you guys eat so much crap food... That shit actually turns me off.. I would rather go to a restaurant enjoy the best breads and dishes then finish off with a world class dessert.. not a mcflurry or some crap.

Make it worth your while ..

Im with you shrek a nice latte or espresso is a nice treat these days.

Each to their own...
n00bs, with all due respect, you look like you have had your fair share of junk or surplus calories....;)
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I have experienced this. A little while ago i had 3 weeks in a row where i only lost 200-300 grams. Got annoyed and ate a Meat Pie and Sausage Roll for lunch and a whole Supreme Pizza for dinner. Lost 3 kilos in the following 2 weeks. :)

Yeah I've read a few things saying cheat meals every 1-2 weeks can actually be beneficial for you. Something about it 'shocking' the body or something
n00bs, with all due respect, you look like you have had your fair share of junk or surplus calories....;)

Maybe a long time ago when i was one of the masses, But high cortisol and low testosterone are the causes of abdominal obesity.. So how could i win?
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God epic fail,, Ill lend you a book i just finished i guarentee you will never touch this crap again.. :p
Rockstar have delicious energy drinks, I don't really drink them but downed two at work oneday for fun I was jumping round all shift like a crazy person. Keep away from that stuff it's evil!
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Rockstar have delicious energy drinks, I don't really drink them but downed two at work oneday for fun I was jumping round all shift like a crazy person. Keep away from that stuff it's evil!
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God i can imagine the caffeine..

Interestingly enough caffeine increases ACTH from the pituitary (the anolougue singal for your adrenals to make stress hormones cortisol and epinerphrine).

It also blocks gaba receptors , decreases melatonin levels and restrics blood vessells the exact opposite of nitric oxide... So people who "use it for a sport boost" are actually shooting themselves in the foot with restriced blood vessels.. Seems funny to put caffeine in a nitric oxide boosting product now...