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I dont know, iherb might have some stuff, do some reading up to see if both would be good for you, i dont want anything to happen and you freak out and blame me...

I gave someone in class 1000mg of niacin today and the teacher abused me lol **** it was funny though.
I dont think you will die, you sohuldnt they both exist in your brain... meletonin is made by the penial gland form serotonin (correct me if i am wrong someone)..

This can be why depression leads to sleep deprivation... Lack of serotonin = lack of meletonin. Not to mention increased cortisol with the anxiety related to depression.
It doesnt knock me out...

So im going to try the rest. But i have high cortisol and anxiety so im not sure what your current health status is.
Def doesnt knock me out, 8 grams and im sitll here, last 3 days have had hardly any sleep...

15mg of valium aught to do the trick cause im bloody bored...
Look into if gaba actually crosses the blood brain barrier. I've heard stories about this issue.
Shank all these are not important anyway, just look into training hard and spend the extra money on more food.
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