some food for thought
The Fasted Cardio Roundtable
Featuring Christian Thibaudeau, Dr. Lonnie Lowery, David Barr, and Dr. John Berardi
this from Alwyn Cosgrove
2) FASTED CARDIO Are you ****ing kidding me? Seriously, are you ****ing kidding me? Why are we even talking about this?
Let's take two twins, both 200lbs, both doing the same training program, taking the same supplements, and following the same nutrition plan in the hopes of getting lean.
One difference, though: one of them eats 2 eggs and does 30 minutes of cardio three days per week. The other does 30 minutes of cardio, three days per week and THEN eats 2 eggs.
So what's the magical difference in terms of fat loss after six months? Drum roll please...
I'll tell you —
no ****ing difference.
However, whenever you bring up this question we get a ton of responses saying, "This is exactly the information I needed!". Oh **** off. The reason you are still fat is because you couldn't decide to do cardio on an empty stomach or not?
30 minutes of steady state cardio will burn about 300 calories. Three times per week — 900 calories. Add that up for 26 weeks and we get a whopping: 23,400 calories.
Or 6.6 lbs of fat.
In six months.
If doing it fasted, burned 30% more (which it
doesn't), you're looking at another 2lbs of fat in that same six month period.
Or an additional 0.07 pounds per week.
And for those of you who say — I do fasted cardio but I have a small scoop of protein first, then you're NOT DOING IT FASTED THEN, ARE YOU?
Fat people finish marathons all the time. Aerobic training doesn't do a hell of a lot for real world fat loss. Even if you're hungry.