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What do you guys eat for breakfast these days

Bowl of rolled oats, blueberries and Greek yogurt washed down with a cup of hot milo.

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Bugger all really. 2-4 eggs or a protein drink. On weekend's a bit more. Usually some bacon etc. Not much of an appetite early mornings.
Coffee with wholemeal toast and either almond butter, banana or poached eggs at the moment.

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6 egg whites and 2 egg yolks omelette, 2 pieces of wholemeal toast and 2 big scoops of cottage cheese.
Cup of oats, half a cup of milk, small tub of Greek yoghurt, spoonful of natural peanut butter (all mixed together, not microwaved).

Then late morning I'll have a protein shake with coffee.
Not a morning person, usually can't eat till after I been up a few hours.

Will have a huge mug of black coffee about 9am if I am home, if at work will often get a cappuccino from the coffee shop. Used to have protein shake, but have not done that since the NB protein gate saga. Sometimes I will have bacon and eggs and toast, on a day off around 9 or 10am.
I love having the breakfast buffet when on holidays

Shit yeah. Hamilton island breakfast. I would start off with a plate of chocolate Danishes. Then get a plate of bacon, eggs and hash browns. Then a few more choc Danishes as a traveler. Put on 10kg and none of my clothes would fit on the flight home.
Shit yeah. Hamilton island breakfast. I would start off with a plate of chocolate Danishes. Then get a plate of bacon, eggs and hash browns. Then a few more choc Danishes as a traveler. Put on 10kg and none of my clothes would fit on the flight home.
I'm not a big breakfast eater at home but on holidays I'm like a Biafran with a hungry Jacks voucher
Shit yeah. Hamilton island breakfast. I would start off with a plate of chocolate Danishes. Then get a plate of bacon, eggs and hash browns. Then a few more choc Danishes as a traveler. Put on 10kg and none of my clothes would fit on the flight home.

Dont forget sneaking off with all the cold cut meats/cheeses and bread rolls for brunch. Good buffet.
Big bowl of weetbix, quick oats and 1 or 2 bananas depending on their size. If i'm in a hurry i just chuck it all in the blender with some frozen berries.
Generally have a bowl of cereal with fibre in it. All bran or currently im eating Special K advantage. Damn good 150 odd ml of milk. Plus a two scoop protein shake. I sleep as long as possible these days so that's my go to 5min job on the way out the door.
