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Administrator. Graeme
Staff member
This weeks topic: Legs
· Thighs/Calves. How big are yours?
· How do you train legs?
· What do you think most people do wrong?
· What could you do better?
· Any other questions/comments regarding the topic.
- My thighs are bigger than my calves :rolleyes: Calves are pretty minuscule, but they're getting better now that I don't neglect them all the time. Still takes a lot of work to get not a lot of results, though.

- Mostly variations of squat, deadlift and calf raise, with some Nordic leg curls when I can fit them into the program. I use front squats, high bar, low bar; conventional deadlifts, RDLs/SLDLs/goodmornings, and sometimes deficit/block deadlifts. When I'm at the uni gym, sometimes I'll do leg press. I'll normally train my lower body 2-3 days/wk through a combination of rep ranges -- anywhere between 1-20 reps, and sometimes even higher reps than that.

- Ignoring the people who don't train legs, common problems I see are people training as though their quadriceps are the entirety of their legs (or, similarly, having a "just squat" attitude), not keeping things balanced, and neglecting calves or doing "calf" exercises that don't put a great load through the calves. Technique is also a common problem, but that's not specific to any one body part.

- More consistency with my calf training.
Thighs/calves. Don't know

Legs. Squats/deads/legs press

What do most people do wrong. Don't really care about others training but not doing legs would be the main one.

I could do better if I had more time to lift.

Also my theory is life's too short to train calves.
common problems I see are people training as though their quadriceps are the entirety of their legs (or, similarly, having a "just squat" attitude), not keeping things balanced, and neglecting calves or doing "calf" exercises that don't put a great load through the calves.

Pretty much my thoughts. People just don't put any time or effort into training hamstrings and calves. Some half-assed leg curls and calf raises at the end of a leg workout just doesn't cut it.
Since I've added a dedicated day to hamstrings (stiff legged deadlifts, leg curl, single leg curl, glute-ham raise) and calves, my deadlift improved a lot.

The other problem is people ego lifting and going so heavy that they aren't working the muscle as much as to not staple themselves to the ground.
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Been doing a lot of hack squats lately, works the quad great, from hip to knee.
hack squats
leg pres
Hami curls
standing calves
sitting calves
donkey calves

then full wax all the way to the sack, tan for summer and bitches be froffyn!
I have being getting my leg power up a bit. Up to 2.45m for standing long jump after being under 2.2m earlier in year.

I do lunges (standing and walking), stepups 60cm high, single leg extensions, single leg curls, calf raises (standing and seated).

ln recent weeks, lots of standing long jumps and light bounding, and strides as I get my body used to sprinting again.
most people like the sookie above me dont squat.thats the biggest problem.humbly speaking,being the best raw natty squatter on this mostly legless website gives me the authority to speak gruffly on this matter.

for the knock kneed legs i recommend the trolov program where u reach in between ur legs and check if there is actually something there then get busy in the rack.very simple basic program.
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I have being getting my leg power up a bit. Up to 2.45m for standing long jump after being under 2.2m earlier in year.

I do lunges (standing and walking), stepups 60cm high, single leg extensions, single leg curls, calf raises (standing and seated).

ln recent weeks, lots of standing long jumps and light bounding, and strides as I get my body used to sprinting again.

sounds like ballet class is a lot of fun.no pics tho pls,you in a leotard..ive just eaten.
Well they aren't getting anywhere near full ROM, combined with their lower back and glutes hitching the weight up.

Now you have changed it to not full ROM. No mention of the before.

Most people complaining about others using too much weight are just making excuses for their own shitty lifts.
most people like the sookie above me dont squat.thats the biggest problem.humbly speaking,being the best raw natty squatter on this mostly legless website gives me the authority to speak gruffly on this matter.

for the knock kneed legs i recommend the trolov program where u reach in between ur legs and check if there is actually something there then get busy in the rack.very simple basic program.

shrek, I think it is time. this guy is a fucking loony.
most people like the sookie above me dont squat.thats the biggest problem.humbly speaking,being the best raw natty squatter on this mostly legless website gives me the authority to speak gruffly on this matter.

for the knock kneed legs i recommend the trolov program where u reach in between ur legs and check if there is actually something there then get busy in the rack.very simple basic program.

And then you wake up, in your cosy little padded cell wearing a strait jacket and dribbling from one side of your mouth.