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It seems to be hard to find a good spotter, usually the last 1-2 sets i need a spotter to help get the dumbbells up, they either take there time to get them up (so you almost exhausted) or get them up then piss off.

Theres a couple of good blokes that know what to do.

I think curls are coming back, we have a lot of people using benches for curls
Some guy had like 8 plates each side on leg press. Then when i came back they were all on the ground laying against each other taking up a pathway.
Agree Prison Mike, lol. That's one disadvantage I have of working out at home alone. I have to self-cup and can only get one nut at a time. I've played around with different sack grips to try and get an extra couple of kgs on the concentration curls.
I take out the racks on the bench press and spin them around 180deg for my BB rows, it's the perfect height to rack it once I'm done. Works well, although I'm sure someone here will have a disagree.

I wish I could do that at our gym, but they have the benches back to back in this stupid order.
I've worked out in jeans once or twice. Not a leg session though. It's cause I got into the office, realised I hadn't brought any shorts to train in, and decided I should just go and train anyway.
A fuckign rude ass PT that walks in front of me to grab a plate , I mean right in front when I'm squatting. Rude little prick. I had to stop and balance my self with weight on my shoulders so I WOULDN'T HIT HIM..

Fing Genesis