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Since its been so long since i have been to a commercial gym, i guess i can chuck up what i saw in the gym.

Some guy doing incline bench. 80kg. lowering it about 10 cm then powering it back up.

I asked why he was doing 'partials', his reply.." im just straight bulking at the moment cuz, straight bulking"
haha yeah.

In a real gym my squatting would just be below average but in a commercial gym its seen as awesome lol
and in a commercial gym you see people doing stupid shit and can have a laugh... im training at home atm but usually at my coaches house, so the only stupid shit i see is when and if one of us fails lol so not very often lol
I saw azza mixing 1,000 shakes and trying them all while taking notes for his supplement review ;) ok no I didn't but I did see some idiot load up a hack squat with about 300kgs and he weighed all of 60kgs wet and he got smashed to say the least. Don't know how he got it off the safety rack thing, but he did though and then he went down faster then Bangkok Betty :eek: people were rushing over to help! cruel but I just laughed...
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Saw some guy doing decline dumbbell press with 4 of his boys around him, 2 spotting each elbow...
lol ^

At my new gym I always see the preacher curl bar loaded to 50kg+ and could never work out how/why. Till I saw some dude doing assisted curls. And when I mean assisted, I mean eccentrically assisted as well.
Also saw some guy attempting to do squats to a bench but cutting them a few inches high
I have been training at UQ gym once a week with a mate and the shit i see there is cringe worthy.

I only go because its a) free and b) they have a large selection of dumbbells.

Saw today, skinny asian fella doing 5+ sets of deadlifting with 40kg and throwing at the ground when his set was over each time, minimum of 20 reps on each set. broscience gloves on, tight singlet, PRE-TORN JEAN SHORTS AT THE FUCKING GYM, ipod blaring with some shit music.

Also another tiny little kid struggling with his standing tricep kickbacks. I tried to just give him some sound advice ..

me: hey mate, what are your goals
him: to get large mate..why?
me: mate, squat bench and deadlift, 3x a week, you will have no trouble with that
him: haha nah mate, i don't play rugby, just want a boss upper body..
me: yeah right , whats your program like now
him: 7 day split

i could not help my almost die inside from embarrassment for this little fella.
wasn't at the gym at a commercial gym but at a recent kettlebell course..

U get your usual characters at these things ..

- The old know it all trainer with years of training clients at a commercial gym and kept asking questions.
- The young brash fitness first just out of cert 3/4 male who keeps tensing at himself in the mirror and did 3 singlet changes.
- The old female milf with a banging body and 5 kids.
- The young female in tight leotards and pink crop top and alot of makeup whom kept getting the attention of the instructors. (he kept going to spot her or correct her technique)
- The obese guy who cannot do any of the exercises in the course for too long before sitting down.
- The crossfitter who loves the high rep work. (i kept up with her. But man they love their reps). :D

The amount of half squats from 9/10 people in that room made me cry.
me: hey mate, what are your goals
him: to get large mate..why?
me: mate, squat bench and deadlift, 3x a week, you will have no trouble with that
him: haha nah mate, i don't play rugby, just want a boss upper body..
me: yeah right , whats your program like now
him: 7 day split

i could not help my almost die inside from embarrassment for this little fella.

Too funny love that one:D
wasn't at the gym at a commercial gym but at a recent kettlebell course..

U get your usual characters at these things ..

- The old know it all trainer with years of training clients at a commercial gym and kept asking questions.
- The young brash fitness first just out of cert 3/4 male who keeps tensing at himself in the mirror and did 3 singlet changes.
- The old female milf with a banging body and 5 kids.
- The young female in tight leotards and pink crop top and alot of makeup whom kept getting the attention of the instructors. (he kept going to spot her or correct her technique)
- The obese guy who cannot do any of the exercises in the course for too long before sitting down.
- The crossfitter who loves the high rep work. (i kept up with her. But man they love their reps). :D

The amount of half squats from 9/10 people in that room made me cry.

The best bit is now they have all done a 5 hour training session they can put "Kettle Bell EXPERT" on they're Resume & PR
saw the funniest thing today, a guy was on the 45degree leg press when he lost it and had the platform come crashing down

oh wait that was me lol

i was distracted by a txt message so lost focus when bang it came crashing down , no damage done just to my pride and ego

lesson learnt , don't read txt messages while on equipment
I saw someone doing what could only be described as wrist extensions disguised as triceps extension.

fwiw the same shit you see people doing in Australian gyms they do in German gyms
Two skinny guys doing DB curls or hammer curls, where they time each other's negatives to make sure they hit 4 seconds. The spotter looks at the timer on his phone and counts to 4 for every single rep.
Today I saw a middle-aged woman doing some rather skillful gymnastics. Couldn't say what exercises she was doing, just that I was very impressed.
I have been training at UQ gym once a week with a mate and the shit i see there is cringe worthy.

I only go because its a) free and b) they have a large selection of dumbbells.

Saw today, skinny asian fella doing 5+ sets of deadlifting with 40kg and throwing at the ground when his set was over each time, minimum of 20 reps on each set. broscience gloves on, tight singlet, PRE-TORN JEAN SHORTS AT THE FUCKING GYM, ipod blaring with some shit music.

Also another tiny little kid struggling with his standing tricep kickbacks. I tried to just give him some sound advice ..

me: hey mate, what are your goals
him: to get large mate..why?
me: mate, squat bench and deadlift, 3x a week, you will have no trouble with that
him: haha nah mate, i don't play rugby, just want a boss upper body..
me: yeah right , whats your program like now
him: 7 day split

i could not help my almost die inside from embarrassment for this little fella.

You know the UQ powerlifting/weightlifting club at Acacia Park is about a 10min walk away from the UQ gym. Might be less retarded?