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The Biggest Loser - 2011

I saw me quickly change channel when I flicked onto it.

Grrr I hate this show. (Scripted crap)
I think the idea of the show is a good idea, just a shame of how they do it.

-I like seeing people get healthier.
-shows people that even a middle aged mother, a 200+kg man, an alcoholic, a chain smoker, etc. can all turn their lives around for the better.
-gives healthier food ideas.
- a lot of warped facts on diet
- poor techniques
- you have to filter through the shit to see the good stuff
- waaaaaay to much emotional stuff
- scripted
- the time is warped aswell

Would be so good if a national body like Fitness Australia or dare i say it a government body regulated the show to show true facts. Help educate a nation that is challenged and confused about healthy living.

my $0.02

I think its safe to say that fat people are more emotional. Thats why they have a so many waterworks section on biggest loser
This show must be stopped.

I just saw (by accident) the weigh ins.

These people look sick. Yeah they have lost weight by they look sick.
The biggest problem I see is that they are losing lean body mass along with the fat.

They are losing muscle as well and it shows. They look fragile and sickly.

For God's sake build up some muscle. Hit the weights.

Weight loss should not be a race. This show makes it a race, a lose weight at any expense contest for prizes.
Some one has to step and and stop this nonsense. NOW!!!!!!!!
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Concerning the tears, they deliberately select teary types, as noted here.
"We look for people who need to get some weight off but we also look for someone who has a story to tell," she says. "If someone comes to us and says, 'I just love food, that's the only reason why I have put on this weight', then they're not for us. There needs to be an emotional journey for them to get through to their healing.

"We also look for people with a bit of character – introverts don't work very well on reality shows."​
So if the person were quietly stoic about things, they wouldn't get on. They choose the weepy dramatic ones.

Concerning the health effects, most of the bad effects of quickly losing or putting on weight will be long-term rather than short-term. As well, most of the contestants are genetic freaks, in that they have to be basically healthy to get on the show. Most people who are that obese will have a whole swag of health problems, with sore joints, adult onset diabetes, heart disease and so on. Yet they don't have these issues. These people are as much freaks as the uncle everyone has who smoked a pack and drank a fifth of bourbon a day and lived to 96.

They thoroughly screen them for these issues, and most with such issues will be excluded from the show. So they'll be more physically resilient than the typical person who is that size.

They get tens of thousands of people apply to the show. They choose the ones who are mentally weak but physically tough. Thus tears but no heart attacks.
I watch it while bunging on jam and peanut butter sandwiches and yelling "suffer bitches" but it is handy for helping me show my Mrs good from bad. If she's watching a weight loss show she will at least listen when I talk about diet and training.

It'd be nice if it was done on body fat % but Joe Obese is more likely to understand scales.

Sent from my HTC Wildfire using Tapatalk
I do like the American version much better.

I like the weigh-ins on TBL mainly and last chance workout.

Not a fan of the drama though.

I hope Joe wins this years TBL.
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I think Joe or Emma would win, or have the most weight % lost at the end.

Lara seems to be doing well too.

I can't stand The Moons, Sharlene or Jarrod.