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New member
hey all

im new here and starting stronglift 5x5 program

inverted rows
push ups
revers crunch

overhead press
dead lift
pull ups/chin ups
prone bridges

I havent got a squat rack yet(month away) so im doing front squats and changing inverted rows to power cleans. also no chin up bar yet.

is my program ok?

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Will you enjoy it and stick to it? If so, it's a good workout.

That aside, it all depends on where you are now and what your goals are.

Assuming general "get strong" goals, well... You'll be working everything except your calves, so that's alright. You may want to play around with the order of the exercises a bit. Whichever is your weakest one, put that first. For example, if you have a weak back but strong legs, you spend all your energy on the squat and then afterwards do the pull-ups... you won't be able to do many! But you don't know this until you try it.

Try it and see how you go. Make sure you get an instructor to show you how to do the bench, squat and deadlift properly, hold yourself wrong on those and not only do you do less weight, you might injure yourself.
yeh did some research on the squats, deadlift

my older program with less research for last 2 months

bent over rows - never felt right
upright rows
dumbell flies
lateral raise
front raise
bicep curl
tricep pull? behind head

did this 3 times a week most of the time
Research is good, but practical things like lifting weights or carving wood or chopping vegies or whatever, it's best to have someone show you in person. That's what you pay the big bucks at the gym for, for advice when you need it.

Having good form on exercises really increases the weight you can lift, the muscles you can grow, and the safety of the whole thing.

Traditionally you walk in and sign up, you give them money and they give you advice and the use of equipment.

If you have your own equipment, then you hire a personal trainer for some advice.
Are you a member of a gym? They always will give you a session or two with someone where they talk about your goals and how to achieve them, how to do this or that exercise, and so on.
not a member of a gym never been to one proberly should but in the meantime i just give it a go see how i go
Check out this site www.exrx.net It has videos of different exercises and other good info.
Its free so it wont cost an arm and leg like the "pros" at gyms.
You can use a video camera or even your mob to record yourself as you exercise, to evaluate your technique. Good technique is vital!

happy lifting,
Are you still at school? Ask your PE teacher to show you the exercises, they can just do it with a broomstick or something to give you the idea.
thanks mike

nope 21 years old
tried the front squats but geting paranoid about using wrong teknique going to sign up to a gym in perth soon - can do proper squats aswell
I'm about to start Stronglifts too, so have read thru the FAQ in depth. Mehdi reckons you shouldn't switch the order of the exercises around though.

"Can I do the exercises in a different order each time I do StrongLifts 5x5?
The exercise order isn't random, it was chosen for a reason.

  • Squat first because it's 1) the most important exercise 2) the hardest exercise
  • Overhead Press/Bench Press next to give your legs/lower back a break
  • Then Deadlifts which work your lower back/legs again like Squats (or Inverted Rows)
  • Next Push-ups/Chin-ups/Pull-ups to work upper-body again
  • And finally Reverse Crunches & Prone Iso Bridges for abs.
Don't change the order of exercises, it works best this way."

All the best!