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Lunch was pizza and had kangaroo sausages for the first time. They were awesome, could barley tell the difference between normal sausages but with similar calories to chicken breast. Win win.

Try the kanga bangas with sriracha hot sauce (from asian grocers). It is a deadset winner!

Baconnaise salad & iced mocha

blueberry muffin my sister made

chilli Kangaroo burritos 750 cals 68P/74C/17F

Choc ffgy sludge with frozen banana & puffs

Mighty Maple PB & Maple syrup cottage cheese
Sounds good. Having kanga bangas again today. They taste so good with just tomato sauce.

Have had the steaks before and they were really good. How does the kangaroo mince go. Have heard mixed reports. A lower calorie bolognese sauce would be awesome as long as it does not stink like dirty old kangaroo.
I love the mince! If you like sausages, you will like the mince. I couldn't stand the smell of the sausages cooking at first but had no issues with the mince. If you don't particularly like the strong flavour, just spice it up. I used roo mince for the no pasta lasagne last week & also in those burritos last night :) I never buy "normal" mince anymore. As well as that, it comes out of the packet sort of clumped together (hard to explain), so you can easily just pull out a section, chuck it on the pan & make a burger. Don't have to buy the fancy burgers they sell. (doesn't look as pretty though) And for $7/kg, can't go wrong!
I love the mince! If you like sausages, you will like the mince. I couldn't stand the smell of the sausages cooking at first but had no issues with the mince.

Glad I'm not the only one. I love the taste of Kangaroo, especially the sausages are great, but wow do they smell putrid when cooking!
400g mixed veggies
8 eggs
4 kanga bangas
3 pieces toast
Tomato sauce.

Cooked the kanga bangas on the BBQ. Never really noticed any smell when cooking but because of the low fat they do take a while to cook.
Had a barbie on Saturday and another one on Sunday. Steak, sausages, rissoles, prawns.....yeah baby, life's good when you're getting barbies into you. :)
choc/cinnamon proats with PB&CO cinnamon raisin swirl

Cherry pop tart with PB&CO DCD

Cajun thai chicken pizza

x2 :D

Bnizzle's OMG Choc/PB Reece's Cup cake
I have eaten sooooooooo much over the last 5 days...cant even begin to list everything lol...best thing is ive only really put on a kg...soooo good being down the beach, walking, swimming etc etc...
Back into it today - breakfast was protein pancakes with strawberries and a banana...had a bit of cake at lunch time because a girl had her bday at work...felt bad saying no...lol..

2nd meal of the day...rice/tuna/salsa and blueberres...pretty good!

no pic because I was so excited, I ate it all before I thought to grab one

Last meal for tonight ...

mixed together (double the recipe if used to having 2 scoops):

1 scoop unflavoured micellar casein
pulp of 2 passionfruit
enough almond milk to make it creamy like custard

that's it. you could use vanilla casein or choc would be cool.
or dairy milk or coconut but the almond milk with the passionfruit. Wow.

nice change from the usual berries at night :)
Three massive burritos with chili beef, lettuce, tomato, cheese, salsa and a load of home made guacamole.

I think I basically hit my calorie intake for the day in one meal :)
choc/cinnamon/pumpkin proats with PB&CO DCD

homemade beef Japanese Curry 438 cals 35P/44C/12F

choc/pb&co DCD cottage cheese sludge with Reece's mini cups, white choc buttons & banana 656 cals 60P/62C/21F
I cracked and got chicken bacon deluxe meal last night while watching jersey shore at about 1030.....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol
Post workout shake:

1 scoop wpi
1 scoop matrix (slow release)
1 banana
spoonful MACA
handful of goji berries

2nd whole food meal of the day...

Mexican rice/tuna/broc/salsa....soooo good...think this will be my lunch/2nd main meal of the day from now on...

Checked out the mexican rice (mirco 90 secs, I get it from woolies) - next to the basmati micro rice I normally get...mexican is lower in carbs/calories...but about double in salt..which I dont mind...

mate that is doing it :) IIFYM isn't just about junk food. It's about fitting what you want to eat into your goals. Bro spec is fine as well. I love a good bro meal :D I also like cheesecake haha. Just about flexibility.
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