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Posing/Flexing in the mirror


New member
Posing/Flexing in the mirror, how much do you do it? Is it good/bad?

Personally, I love it. It keeps me motivated. At home everytime I walk into the bathroom it's *BANG*, fuck, sometimes I walk into the bathroom just to flex lol. At the gym, after I've done arms chest and back etc, I have no hangups about pulling the water pistols out and flexing in the mirror in the middle of the gym. I figure if it keeps me training then fuck what anyone else thinks (not that anyone has ever said anything).

Is this healthy behaviour or bad? Is there anything wrong with being almost obsessed with it? It is the reason most of us train - I don't care how much you say you lift to be strong, some part of you also wants to look boss one day with an epic physique.

Discuss :)
haha, i use most reflective surfaces, mirrors, windows..not so much the full pose but more just gazing at my curves growing and shape changing. At the gym, i'm even worse, thats when i am most likely to do it, between every set. I actually have a favorite mirror, my legs look great in it doing split squats. I have said it before on here, I dont give a shit, i work hard and its fascinating.
Nothing wrong with it at all.

Its what your training for after all.

On a related note, is there anything wrong with having an avatar of you flexing? :P
great for muscle mind connection and saying fuck i look sexy today. Always a confidence boost lol
i flex anytime anywhere.. thats why i stay at 12% bodyfat year round..
you never know when somebody's gonna ask u to takes your kit off to do a posedown or strip tease!!
ahha lol i do it all the time, my family just rolls there eyes now everytime i flex, its good though. How else are you going to tell if your developing your muscles if you don't flex to see changes. (besides going up in weight)
Plus I read some where that flexing is actually good for muscles, its an isometric excercise, helps with muscle control and develops size.
i do it and its generally followed by something like "fucken pissant, eat some food". the problem is i said that to myself when i was 71kg and it didnt change nearly 14kg later :p
At work i tense my shoulder and traps together makes my traps look good through my shirt, some people probly think what a tosser but i dont give a fuck lol
Yes. I pose 3-5 times a week in the off season for 20 mins a day or so. Always in front or mirrors and always at home. 8 weeks before stage I will pose daily for 30 mins except Sundays. I will also try to meet up with other atheletes at hte gym to pose too. Never hurts to have another persons opinion.

I think its incredibly important to pose.