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Palaquin - rest periods, tempo etc.


New member
I have to open this up for discussion.

I had a girl come to my gym a few weeks back. Shes extremely nice and had a program that a palaquin trainer gave her, the same guy thats opening a new gym in Perth.

I saw her program and was a bit surprised to find a 5 day split, with squatting only on one day, included things like zoofman curls and calf raises. I asked her what she told the trainer her goal was, she told him "powerlifting".

Call me crazy, but I began to question it immediately. Pointing out to her that all she needed to be doing was heavy compunds three times a week and eat lots of food, presto, strength. Shes a novice too so this applies. I went on to point out that this simple philosophy has taken hundreds of lifters to 100kg bench, 140 squat, 180 deadlift. Call me crazy but i follow results.

After some discussion of shit book, I was told I was being arrogant and should be more open minded. That was fine, I deserved it.

She said that if we concentrated on tempo, rest periods and intensity more, we'd quadruple our gains in days. Firstly, after a training session Im ****ed, im not sure how it can get more intense.

My question is tempo and rest periods. Im open minded so can someone shed some light on if strict tempo and rest priods between sets/reps will actually make me stronger.

Does anyone have any real life proof, because I wasnt given any.
I had a guy here who did a Charles Poliquin course, told the clients they could spot reduce.

Havent seen him for awhile.
Yer Poliquin, didnt think i had that spelt right lol.

Was this the guy that did the body fat test on Dan?

More importantly, whats your opinion on the above, even though Im pretty sure I know what it is.
She said that if we concentrated on tempo, rest periods and intensity more, we'd quadruple our gains in days.
Does anyone have any real life proof, because I wasnt given any.

Do what she says for a mere few days and when you don't quadruple your gains that will be proof enough.
If you DO quadruple your results make sure you tell us :P
Poloquin is another one of those make everything confusing kinda trainers. I agree with Wendler, we need to strip training of all the bs until we're only left with whats raw, works and is fun.
Poliquin can make things confusing and some of he's stuff is weird, but there are also alot of interesting stuff. i dont believe all of it but it can get you thinking.

about the topic, i'm not sure you could quadruple your gains lol. it was probably just a trainer who wanted to add hiss whole bag of tricks to the workouts so he has something to do, and has more of things to count.

rest period is goal dependent, but i dont think you will see much difference in gains from 30 seconds to 45 seconds, or even 3 mins to 5 mins.

tempo is interesting tho. i dont know much about it but it could have a large impact. at the moment tho i just do natural speed.
i think temp is worth thinking about & putting into practice. Generally you don't want to lift slow...since there's not many sports where moving slow is helpful.

I recently made a post about tempo. Talking about how you could write a set such as 1x12, as in 1 second eccentric, no rest, 1 second concentric & 2 seconds between reps. Helpful? Not sure. If you use it right though...you could do some great stuff.
Tempo for powerlifting, which the program was designed for according to the original post, is absolute crap.

It is an explosive sport.

Poliquin has no success in PL that I am aware of, but shitloads in other sports. A quality trainer for the right client.

Yes Paulie, its the same guy that tested Dan.
Correct, she told the trainer her goal was powerlifting.

I didnt know what a zoofman curl was before i saw it on her program, i just had to look it up.
Tempo for Powerlifting 101:

1) As fast as you can.

2) Assistance work: Even faster. Speed work utilizing chains/bands, if neccessary.


ive seen alot of Russian programs with pauses at the bottom and sometimes mid range. that is changing the tempo.
There alot of these Poliquin certified guys popping up in Oz. They are embarrassed by their 6 week cert 4 but proudly promote themselves over a 2 day course. Not ragging on cert 4, just find it odd.

I've been told from numerous people that when u get the chance to talk to Poliquin he actually gives you his good stuff, as opposed to the batshit crazy stuff he publishes these days.
There alot of these Poliquin certified guys popping up in Oz. They are embarrassed by their 6 week cert 4 but proudly promote themselves over a 2 day course. Not ragging on cert 4, just find it odd.

I've been told from numerous people that when u get the chance to talk to Poliquin he actually gives you his good stuff, as opposed to the batshit crazy stuff he publishes these days.

Similar to Paul Chek really; who knows where the genius ends and the insanity starts..??:)
He has put out alot of good stuff with his own take on linear periodisation, although this was later debunked in clinical research, his german volume training is interesting, postural analysis, supercompensation methods, etc. But alot his stuff is very body builder orientated even for elite level athletes.. Which alot of the time is not practical.

Just take the good with the bad..
His certification process is great but is a massive cash cow and a complete rip off.
GVT was around LOOOOOOOOOOng before Paul Check and Charles Poliquin.

The Germans OL used it to gain weight and move up a weight class a long time ago, hence the name.
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