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Hey guys. Been out of the health and fitness land for a year now and I'm wondering what ausbb has come up with vitamins wise as of late. Last time I was active tresos B was popular and cheap. Anyone come up with new suppliers/brands for qaulity multi v's? Anyone still using Tesos B? Anyone even care? :P
Hey, I gave up on multis about 6 months ago and feel no ill effects. I don't think they are required if diet is in tact
Yeah I agree but its nice to have some on days where the job takes you unexpectedly away from your steamed spinach leaves and plain chicken breast. lol
Vitamins only help of you are deficient otherwise your just pissing money away and could potentially risk overdose effects.

If you think you are deficient see a doctor and get checked out.
I havnt used a multi in prob 3-4 months and honestly ive prob had less colds, and flu since I stopped lol
Once again I agree.

I dont think I am defficent in fact I know I'm not. There are days where the diet can struggle due to work and other circumstances. Those days I would like to use a quality multi v to give me piece at mind that though I am letting my body down nutritionally I am making an efffot to give it what it needs.

I agree multi's are pissing money away if you have a good diet. If you dont have a good diet though through bad eating or being caught out with a trip for work... they cant hurt...

Coming into winter and starting a heavy training plan requires a planned nutrition and the days that can't be planned for I plan on using a multi v.

Maybe Ill just stick with the macro shakes on those days...
I havnt used a multi in prob 3-4 months and honestly ive prob had less colds, and flu since I stopped lol

I get the flu whether I stop, start, snort, rectally inserted, take too much, take not enough, kiss dirty women... everything! It finds me! lol
I get the flu whether I stop, start, snort, rectally inserted, take too much, take not enough, kiss dirty women... everything! It finds me! lol

lol....I have started eating alot more fruit, mainly blueberries, raspberries, bananas and thats seem to do the trick...always have zinc, vit c and garlic aswell!
Yeah I smash the berries in my morning shake. Do you buy frozen or fresh? I get a bit of both. Have heaps of garlic as well but Vit c is something I could increase. Do you have powder or tablets?
Yeah I smash the berries in my morning shake. Do you buy frozen or fresh? I get a bit of both. Have heaps of garlic as well but Vit c is something I could increase. Do you have powder or tablets?

I have froozen and fresh...mainly fresh though...at least i'll eat 1 punnet of blueberries a day.

I have 10-12 vit c a day in tab form
Hmmm.. Maybe just some more vit c and some macro greens will do it. Although I hear on Swisse Ill feel better!
Hmmm.. Maybe just some more vit c and some macro greens will do it. Although I hear on Swisse Ill feel better!

If your eating fruit veggies and meat most days the odd bad day isn't going to matter.

Also the better recent studies are showing the link with vitamin c and preventing colds and flu is pretty flimsy to non existent.

There is also a large recent observational study that showed people that took multi vitamins has slightly higher death rates than those that don't. dont read too much into higher death rates but the benifits of taking them don't really look to be there.
I believe "normal" less active dont need a multivitamin, as they should be getting enough from their diet...

However being above active and destroying myself 5 times a week i believe a multivitamin is way more essential than to the normal person.

I either take a regular run of the mill multi from Nutra-life or whenever i have a bit of extra coin i might grab an Animal Pak and take it every other day.
General well being and alertness

im going to start using a multi again and see if it makes me feel any diff...Ive hardly been taking anything the last week - 2 weeks...not vit c, or anything really.. just abit of zinc....will buy up and see what happens...
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I dont swear by them, but as with all supplements, more of an insurance of maximal performance rather than a performance enhancer.