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How long will it take?



With winter close approaching and seeing as it it is a good time to bulk up ive decided to bulk up over the colder months and then start cutting, to achieve maximum sex appeal in sumer lol

So starting next week i'll be starting up my bulking campaing and wondering how long would it all would take?? s

So filling in the banks
Bulking up would take ................
Cutting will take ...........

i don't really wanna take any supps due to the cost factor but if my results take too long i might consider taking supps, generally i do eat rather well so it shouldnt be a problem.

so what sort of time scale am i looking at?

Thanks in advance for any replies
Hey Billy,

It really comes down to a lot of personal factors, how your body responds, how good your diet is, how you train, how you rest, etc.

I'm following a 10 week bulking, 2 week cutting program at the moment. But I'll be keeping an eye on things as I go. If I get to the end of the 2 weeks cutting and feel that I'd still like to drop some body fat, I'll stay on cutting until I'm happy.

After that I'll tweak the program based on how things went. I may shorten the bulk period and cut sooner to avoid gaining too much fat, or I may decide to stretch it out a bit longer. It all depends on how much I put on I guess.

You can really bulk up as long as you like, but don't let things get out of hand. Otherwise you might find yourself struggling to drop the fat away in time for beach season ;-)

I've read that hormone levels tend to peak and start to decline after 14 days of overfeeding, so depending on what school of thought you subscribe to, you may want to adopt an shorter bulking/cutting cycle.

Short answer - You can probably get some good results in around 3 months, depending on the approach you take and how dedicated you are.

Putting mass on takes as long as it takes, and depending on how much you want to put on before cutting...
You should do your training for yourself not for the ladies, getting the ladies is just a benefit