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Help / Advice on picking up

One time I had some really gross obese girl rub against me once with all her sweat and arm acne :( (no sh#t, it wasnt just acne on her face it was on her shoulders and arms too) and continued to try and press her back against me to rub off more sweat and acne...the fact she was wearing a skirt and I could see the hail damage on her thighs in a club at 2:00am while drinking makes me wonder how much worse she was in the light.

I still shudder from the memory of it. Just like yours, my mates thought it was hilarious.

Mate if they still ugly even when you got your beer goggles on at 2am.. Then she is definatley ugly.. :eek: I hope u had a wash that morning tim .. DAMN.. the visions in my head of what u went through.. !!
i agree with what dancealot is saying concerning the change in your physique. Im sure people now see/treat u differently that your a Lean mean machine and lost all that weight. To bad it takes a while for the mental side to catch up to your physical especially if before women didnt do a U-turn on the street to have a 2nd look at you. Once it does.. No female would have their panties on with you around boyfromaus!!

(A good test of when you have made it *looks wise* is when every 2nd 3rd female in the club stares at you from across the dance floor and then do a u-turn to check you out again ;))
(A good test of when you have made it *looks wise* is when every 2nd 3rd female in the club stares at you from across the dance floor and then do a u-turn to check you out again )

You know you have really made it when this just happens to you everywhere all the time.
yep and all those pencil neck scientists who tell you women arnt attracted to looks, you get to laugh at when their girlfriends/wives keep glancing at you over their shoulders
Just like Dancelot said, if you want to have a nice meaningful conversation with a girl, don't go to a club. In regards to the situation you had on the weekend, if a girl sits next to you just turn around and casually say 'hey' and if she responds back then continue, if she ignores you or just sort of looks at you like ''umm yeah okay...'' thats when you get up..lol..
Confidence is something we know how to smell before you even walk into the building, even if you don't feel confident pretend you are and you'll be the biggest attraction in the place..
Also, keep using that down to earth, fun, fat guy personality, girls love it..

Goodluck, im sure with a bit more experience you'll be fine. Plus you've been out of the game for a year, the stature of girls has changed in 12mths you should find it easier..lol :P
I wuold have thought in todays meterialistic world most women were just after looks and money (more the latter) :)

lol thats what i meant by change in stature..lol.. they're more shallow then what they were... you show me 1 woman is isn't attracted to a man before she talks to him and i'll show you a man who only thinks personality is important
lol thats what i meant by change in stature..lol.. they're more shallow then what they were... you show me 1 woman is isn't attracted to a man before she talks to him and i'll show you a man who only thinks personality is important

yeah im different -

i think personality is "really' important when im talking to a girl wearing short mini-skirt and F***meboots at a club/bar..
Well what I meant is that the less talking from you the better. If you have to talk, get HER to talk, you listen (and direct the convo to feel-good vibe if it ever gets negative). What you're really doing there is to pick up a girl you don't know and can barely see on a poorly lit dance floor at an impossibly loud club for a meaningful one-night relationship. The more you flap your gum (esp if you're not experienced in this biz - if you were a charmer like ceffo, you wouldn't ask for advice) the more reasons she'll have to reject you. Remember that girls in that scene, because there are so many c0cks on display, actively seek reasons to weed out lame guys as quickly as possible. Don't give them that by saying as little as possible!

If you're after stimulating convos with girls, don't pick up at clubs. That environment is not designed for such things.

Get dancing straight away, enjoy the place, look like you're having a great time with friends. Make eye contact & move in if you get the green light (like ceffo said). You basically have two things in your arsenal to pick up: your physique and how you move your body. That's what girls at clubs look for as well, they're not there to have amazing convos with guys. They're there to get drunk, pop pills, dance, attention-wh0re and maybe hook up with a cute/hot guy. Any talking is done as excuses leading to hook-ups, and you are responsible for providing all the excuses and plausible deniability from A-Z. Once you've seen enough signs that she's attracted to you, take her to somewhere quieter & a little more private. From then on, let your penis take the lead.

All these things (and what ceffo said) are basics. Like lifting, do the basics well and you'll be great. Don't try too hard to be smooth or witty, unless it comes naturally.

There are a million other things, but you'll figure them out as you go along.

Think carefully though about whether you want to meet women that way. Some guys are simply not cut out for that kind of casual yet fiercely competitive hookup scene. You may struggle coming from a past "down to earth fat nice guy".

Thanks man. good insight there. I think i'll roll with the physique and moves. Coming from my background, I know I haven't yet built skill in being suave, a smooth talker or having swagger.

Actually now that you mentioned the "some guys are simply not cut for that", it's part of the reason i'm doing it.. a challenge out of my comfort zone...breaking new ice. I'm not looking for anything remotely long term; just to have fun, socialize, network and umm.. get in their pants in a timely manner :D. When I was with my gf, I missed out on all this so I never got to experience what it was like.. plus, being fat resulted in little to no confidence.
i agree with what dancealot is saying concerning the change in your physique. Im sure people now see/treat u differently that your a Lean mean machine and lost all that weight. To bad it takes a while for the mental side to catch up to your physical especially if before women didnt do a U-turn on the street to have a 2nd look at you. Once it does.. No female would have their panties on with you around boyfromaus!!

(A good test of when you have made it *looks wise* is when every 2nd 3rd female in the club stares at you from across the dance floor and then do a u-turn to check you out again ;))

haha..thanks man. Not sure about women doing U Turns, but I can comfortably say there were a fair few checking me out in the line, at the bar and on the dancefloor. But definitely, there's a lot of mental catchup... I suppose I got scared / doubtful and choked when there were greenlights.
if i'm getting all the right cues from a girl i'll wait until they are standing next to or in front of me and then lightly run my hand hand from the middle to their lower back. if they don't move, or their body language doesn't pull or they turn their head with a smile i'll wait for a count of 10. still with my hand on them, i'll lean in and kiss the side of their neck with just the hint of a nibble. the worst response from that i have ever had is a smile and being told i'm cheeky but most turn around for a kiss. works like a charm :)
What even scarier is that Puff is from Melb, next guy I see at a club touches my GF's back is going to experence a full force UFC takedown!!!
Posted via Mobile Device

edit: Puffs post is the reason why this entire relationship sub-forum is a joke.
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if i'm getting all the right cues from a girl i'll wait until they are standing next to or in front of me and then lightly run my hand hand from the middle to their lower back. if they don't move, or their body language doesn't pull or they turn their head with a smile i'll wait for a count of 10. still with my hand on them, i'll lean in and kiss the side of their neck with just the hint of a nibble. the worst response from that i have ever had is a smile and being told i'm cheeky but most turn around for a kiss. works like a charm :)

thats really creepy.. i think i would at least slap u if not break ur hand..lol