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Chick im not keen on gives me her number and expects me to call help?


New member
I was talking to this girl i work with at the pub, granted i had a few drinks and i was flirting a bit with her, anyway the next day at work as she was leaving, she gave me her number and said heres my number you should call me sometime, i just said thanx (with a smile) enjoy the rest of ur day.

She is in her late 20s i think ( i am 22 years old ) and from what i heard, she has just recently broken up with her husband. The thing is im not really attracted to her, i mean shes a little cute but note my type at all.

She is a really nice girl with a good personality, so i dont take her for the kind of girl that would want a casual fling - more of a relationship type of girl( i could be wrong).

Like i said i have no intention of calling her at all, as im not interested, and i wouldnt wanna get involved with someone from work, i find it could lead to awkwardness.

Im worried if she asks when are you gonna call me? or why havent u called me yet? cause i dont know what i would say

What Tuna said. As a woman, if I boldly gave my number to a guy because I thought he liked me and he never called, I wouldn't ask 'why'. It's pretty obvious that he's not interested I would think? lol

But if she does ask why you haven't called? Just be honest with her? "I think you're a lovely girl, but I have a personal policy against starting anything with anyone I work with. I am really happy however, to be friends" Smile beautifully as you say it. She'll deal with it.

Tell her your about to do your first cycle and you cant be wasting any excess testosterone on dem bitches
Just the way i acted when i was a bit drunk at the pub, maybe i led her on, and at work when she gave me her number, i smiled and said thanx (like i was giving her the impression that i was gonna call), makes me think that she expects me to call and if i dont shes gonna ask me why.
Are you sure you aren't hiding in the closet bro.

Synopsis cute girl gives you her number, you don't try to bed her, you worry that she is going to fret cause you didn't call.

I definitely think you should tell her your not interested cause you are waiting to meet a nice bloke.
I think you're a lovely girl, but I have a personal policy against starting anything with anyone I work with. I am really happy however, to be friends" Smile beautifully as you say it. She'll deal with it.

Bella I realise you are a woman and probably more qualified to comment on the way females think, but surely you realise if you say this to a chick in her mind it will sound like this -

I think I am too good for you and can do better, please make my life at work hell because I have rejected your desperate sexual advances.

I do agree that "she'll deal with it" most likely by eating a 2kg tub of ice-cream then spreading malicous rumours about you around your work followed by turning all the other women against you. Maybe she will even finish up by filing a fictitous sexual harassment claim.
Believe it or not, despite the fear you men have in 'turning a chick into a psycho with the truth' or 'hurting her feelings unecessarily'. Women actually appreciate the truth. Sure, ego's get hurt a little along the way....but that's life.

A gentle "Hey thank you for your number, but I have a personal rule about dating or seeing anyone I work with. I AM, however, really happy to be and remain friends" Say it with a wink or a beaming, sincere smile - and how could she be angry?

It's honest you DO like her, it's truthful, you DON'T want to shag someone you work with, especially if you're not really that interested in her in the first place, 'don't screw the crew', that's when shit gets dangerous! lol

Good luck OP! You'll be fine, keep it real!

Hyjak...your responses made me laugh :D
either tell her you just want the rooties (which didn't work for me, married!), or as someone said, I used to tell 'em I had a long distance relationship. prolly a bit late for that one now...
She is begging for some letsgetserious penis deep in her vaginal cavity. If I were you, which I am not, I would have coutis with said lady. She dont want no long term man *snappy fingers thing that black women do*

Romance aint dead, it just lives in perth.
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