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[Article] Bodybuilding Exercise : Exercises for Back



Training your back will change the proportions of your entire body. Well developed latissimus dorsi muscles (lats) create that classic V-shape, making your waist appear smaller and, for women, balancing the curves of the lower body.

Strong back muscles are important in sports that involve pulling actions, such as rowing. These actions are used in rugby tackling, judo, boxing, gymnastics and swimming, especially butterfly and front crawl. A strong back will also help you develop other major muscle groups, as your back assists in key exercises such as squatting, shoulder presses and standing biceps curls; while having a strong back helps in everyday activities, such as lifting and carrying, and prevents back injuries.

Exercises for your Back

Lat Pull-down-Target Area - Lattisimus dorsi, Rhomboids
Also used Biceps, Posterior deltoids, Fore-arms.

One-arm Row-Target Area - Latissimus dorsi, trapezius, rhomboids, infraspinatus, teres major and minor.Also used Biceps, posterior deltoids
Seated Cable Row-Target Area - Lattisimus dorsi, Rhomboids, teres major and minor.
Also used Erector spinae, Biceps, Fore-arms, Pectoralis major.

Bent-over Barbell Row-Target Area - Lattisimus dorsi, Rhomboids, teres major and minor.
Also used Biceps, Fore-arms.

Straight-arm Pull-downs.-Target Area - Lattisimus dorsi, Trapezius, Rhomboids, teres major and minor.
Dumbbell Shrug.-Target Area - Trapezius(upper), Rhomboids, various other neck and shoulder girdle muscles.
Back Extention on the Floor.-Target Area - Erector spinie, glutes
Back Extention with Swiss Ball.-Target Area - Erector spinie, glutes
Chins(pull-ups).-Target Area -Latissimus dorsi, trapezius, rhomboids, infraspinatus, teres major and minor.Also used Biceps, posterior deltoids, fore arms.
massive lats

I rekon for a good back...
Chinups Must... with all different hand variations (hammer grip, Underhand, overhand)
Rows (any type)
Back is one of the biggest muscles in your body and is a must to train

Everyone is diffeent,
A new guy just starting who wants to loose fat at 115kg a chin-up would be the last thing he should/could do.
I was a 57kg weakling when I started training and could not do 2 chin-ups and built a good back until I was strong enough to do at least 6-7 reps.
Point is chin-ups are not vital for a wide/thick back but non the less are a great exercise.
Hey guys, I've always seen people doing the one arm dumbell rows and have tried it myself. I find that I use more of my biceps and shoulder...am I doing it wrong and is this an essential exercise??
aye guys newbie to the forum but not to training just found the site and dont want to make enemies,,,,,,but is this just for yr lats and traps?????
i find it hard to understand any back routine without deads in? as for chin ups in my OPINION there one of the most under rated back moves i dont do weighted chins i actually leave them to the end of my routine as i find its built my core strength too rather than a seated lat pulldown my routine looks like this
deadlift 3x8
lat pulldown 3x10
bent over row 3x10
chin up 3x15
then throw some shrugs inn
before u say it yeh when i started lifting 9 yrs ago i could do 3 chins but you know you do more?????YOU DO IT MORE OFTEN and it wasnt until i started doing deads and chins that my back went pop new to the site and will put pics up soon
just my 5cents worth
Hey guys! am new to the forum also and have a question regarding back exercises.

I have Scoliosis, a dropped shoulder etc and when I was younger I had to go to the chiropractor a lot. When I was back at school I used to go to the chiropractor often to get my back and neck put back into place. Since leaving school I worked as a labourer for a year and the physical exercise helped my back and started to pull my body back into line. I haven't done many back exercises at the gym as I haven't been so concerned with it but realise I need to start. Will these exercises all be alright for me to do? I guess the only way I'll really find out is by doing them and seeing which ones do or don't cause me pain. Cheers for any feedback! :)
My mate has the same problem and he does everything I do (full body workout). I really don't like his form with deadlifts so just make sure you have a spotter making sure you do them correctly if at all possible with your problem. Back is a vital workout though! Vital!

I cant even do 1 chin ..

These do me fine..

Wide grip pull ups when you are capable.. but it is not essential especially starting out.
Thanks for the feedback guys. Will give it a try tonight and see how I go with it. Shouldn't be to much of a problem. :D
If you are too weak for a a chin, get a spot and do assisted chins or use negatives to take advantage of this exercise and build strength.

Other alternative is horizontal pull ups. To do this, set the smith machine bar to about hip level and lock it in. Lie under the bar (chest under the bar) and take an overhand or underhand grip. Keep your heels on the ground and body stiff. Pull your chest to the bar and slowly lower. Do 3-5 sets of 10-20 reps.

good luck
Deadlifts - The core of back training. If you're not doing deads then you are only doing fluff.

Rows (bent over barbell and DB)
Clean Pulls
Good Mornings
Hyper and Reverse Hyperextensions
just wondering, how much does the deadlift actually work the upper/middle back?

I always had the notion that it pretty much only works the lower back..
Hey everyone, ive just started PTC's beginner program, would it be viable in alternating the bent rows with the one arm dumb bell rows? Or should i just do what I think works my back better?
Hey everyone, ive just started PTC's beginner program, would it be viable in alternating the bent rows with the one arm dumb bell rows? Or should i just do what I think works my back better?

Either / Or... The bent rows just do both sides at once :)
Bar-bell row done properly is in the top four most productive.

Dumb-bell done with one arm falls down around or below the top ten.
Posted via Mobile Device
Agree - lifting own bodyweight is a tough gig for most bigger guys or beginners. Helps if you can work on other strength work then work on chins with someone spotting. Get pulldowns and bent rows up there in terms of poundages then give chins a go.