Please note: this is NOTsome glossed over bodybuilding magazine diet or some internet diet or anything of that nature. This was the REAL way I was eating when I held a weightlifting scholarship at the Australian Institute of Sport back in the early 80s. I was 17/18 at the time and training 8 x per week at about 2 hours each session. This was not typical of the way weightlifters ate at the AIS which made me very unique amongst my peers to say the least.
At the time I was eating like this, we were sponsored by Qantas for our overseas flying. Flying over to England in 1983 to compete, I was well looked after by the flight attendants who brought me 16 trays of my favourite food-aero plane food. Needless to say I was very pleased and ended up gaining 8kg in about 24 hours during this trip. Mostly water of course through some heavy supercompensation of muscle glycogen.
At the time, I was a middleweight weightlifter (75kg). My metabolism would have made a Ferrari seeming to be standing still whilst travelling at full speed. My abdominals could be seen through a t-shirt and I had striated vastus lateralis (the outer quadricep muscle).
There is no way in the world I can eat like that now, even as a bodybuilder in on a gaining cycle. Can I explain the huge amount of calories? No. Was I strong? Very. Was I aggressive? Yes, but only during training. Would I recommend this to any one even if they can afford it? No, there are better ways of eating. Did I gain any weight by eating over 13,000 calories a day? No.
I will talk about the subject of weight gain, fat gain, and muscle gain when I present you my bodybuilding training program and my philosophy on training and why I hold to certain views. I’ve taken enough of your time, so thank you very much for your time and now for the real numbers...
Calories = 13500
Protein= 712g @ 21%
Carbs=1192g @ 35%
Fat= 655g @ 44%
100g Chips
100g Baked potatoes
50g Pasta cooked
20g Butter
500ml Orange juice
500ml Milk full cream
8 Weetbix
240g Lamb chops
8 White bread slices
11 Eggs
Calories Protein Carbs Fat
3883 170g 330g 205g
Morning snack
1800ml Milk 3x600ml Move flavoured milk
1 Piece chocolate cake
1 Apple
1 Pear
Calories Protein Carb Fat
1872 61g 260g 72g
50g Butter
4 White bread slices
1 Apple
1 Pear
400g Vegetables & salad
750g T-bone steaks
Calories Protein Carb Fat
2631 194g 92g 163g
Afternoon snack
4 White bread slices
1 Orange
8 Eggs
Calories Protein Carb Fat
920 58g 67g 45g
250g T-bone steak
300g Vegetables & salad
500g Potato baked
250g Chicken drumstick
Calories Protein Carb Fat
1820 142g 115g 86g
Evening snack
10g Butter
4 White bread slices
150g Turkey breast slices
2000g Yogurt fruit Yoplait
Calories Protein Carb Fat
2420 87g 328g 84g
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