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How many of you keep a detailed training log?

  • yes

    Votes: 14 82.4%
  • no

    Votes: 3 17.6%

  • Total voters


Administrator. Graeme
Staff member
How many of you keep a detailed training log?
now i know many of you keep a log on Ausbb - Australian Bodybuilding , but do you keep a written record ?
I have a book for each training Program ie Conjugate, Linear, PPP, Comp preps.
New program. New book.
Also keep a blog now to separate programs for quick reference and comparison
I have a book for each training Program ie Conjugate, Linear, PPP, Comp preps.
New program. New book.
Also keep a blog now to separate programs for quick reference and comparison

Soon you'll be on hipstagram posting fitspo pic :P and chasing sponsors
I use an android app called Lifting Log. Free app and easy to use, really quick way to record weight and reps of each set.

I also have a spreadsheet with max weight for rep ranges and a built in 1rm calculator.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
I have a couple of books. Anything important gets written down. If it doesn't get written down, it's not important.
I have logs dating back maybe 10 years, until about 3 mths ago it was the only way I logged, but now I also keep the log on ausbb.
Since starting my look on Aussbb I have been far more consistent with good progression

My AusBB thread is pretty much directly extracted from an email chain I've sent myself to keep track. Each workout I note what I lifted, along with any notes and what I feel I should progress to next time.

I note any breakdown in form and whether sleep/diet/whatever may have contributed to failings.

If I don't write it down I won't remember it two days later and it's invaluable for remembering things like grip spacing for each lift and which elements of good form I'm forgetting.
A log is a tool that has to be used to be beneficial. I have never cared enough to go looking back through a log to find something so I have never maintained one for an extended period. I have tried but if I'm not going to use it then I don't see the point.
I now just keep tracking of my best set on each exercise. If I don't beat it the next time I work that exercise, I don't update it. I prefer spending more time working in the gym, rather than writing down or typing into my iPhone.
I have a whiteboard in my gym with the last 15ish workouts on it (or whatever fits vertically).

When I get to the bottom, the top gets rubbed out and written over.

I like to see progress, and to know where I'm up to, but in a year from now the information is useless so why bother keeping it?
I keep a log religiously.
Pen and paper only.
Tried phone apps but can't find a suitable one.