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[Article] When a final knockout is needed for stubborn fat...

Mike, would be fascinating if you post your progress when the DIM arrives.
Hi Mini,

Will do. I must admit that when I first read that post by Fadi I had a bit of a Eureka moment. I'd known for some time that I was a bit estrogen dominant and my mild gynecomastia was probably a result of this. Am I less of a man for admitting to gynecomastia?... I had no idea it might also be contributing to my depression, lack of concentration, migraines etc. If this works even half as well as I hope then I'll be eternally indebted to Fadi for his informative post. I actually wish I'd seen a GP earlier and grouped these symptoms together. If it works I'll be recommending my father take them too as he and I are genetically identical.

Watch this space... ;)

I do not want to sound like a sour puss but DIM is useless. How does Adrian know? Adrian has tried DIM twice. Once was the liquid Bronx version (did nothing) then I tried another one (forgot brand) because I thought possibly the liquid was unstable and still did nothing, well nothing noticeable.

Good luck with you vegetable extract.
I do not want to sound like a sour puss but DIM is useless.
Useless that much I understand Adrian; for everyone though? How about if one gives DIM a hand by at least reducing his or her consumption of food that is high in female hormones, wouldn't you agree that such a procedure would give DIM a boost in helping it achieve its goal?

At times even hardcore drugs need a hand, anabolic steroids are but some that come to mind. How many times do we hear the instruction; "and don't forget to increase your protein consumption when on such and such steroid lest you go backwards"? I'm speaking from a medical point of view now and not the gym locker room.

Blood pressure medications (and nearly all other hard core medications) work under the same rule. Failing to help the drug do its job would have the patient either increase the dosage or change to a different drug or class of drug altogether. When all that was needed in the beginning was to lend a supportive hand...

Sorry if I'm coming across as if I own shares in a DIM company or any other, because I do not.

Well I wasn't taking drugs or coming off drugs when I used it. I just found it offered nothing, but maybe I expect too much from otc supps.
Hi Mini,

Will do. I must admit that when I first read that post by Fadi I had a bit of a Eureka moment. I'd known for some time that I was a bit estrogen dominant and my mild gynecomastia was probably a result of this. Am I less of a man for admitting to gynecomastia?... I had no idea it might also be contributing to my depression, lack of concentration, migraines etc. If this works even half as well as I hope then I'll be eternally indebted to Fadi for his informative post. I actually wish I'd seen a GP earlier and grouped these symptoms together. If it works I'll be recommending my father take them too as he and I are genetically identical.

Watch this space... ;)


Mike, do you take kelp? Do you have dairy products (apart from whey)? Do you eat vegetables from the crucifier family, such as cabbage, broccoli, bok choy, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, kohlrabi, mustard, rutabaga, and turnip?

Please read every word here, thank you: Diindolymethane - Natural Protection from Estrogens

PS: If what you have is related to genetics, then our job would be to simply shift the balance in our favour as much as we can. Always remeber Mike, every little bit helps, every tiny bit!

Well I wasn't taking drugs or coming off drugs when I used it. I just found it offered nothing, but maybe I expect too much from otc supps.

I'm sorry if I sounded like I was insinuating or associating you with any type of drug Adrian; because I wasn't brother.

There are some extremely effective over the counter supplements out there Shrek, and I'm talking drug like effectiveness here! So please do not discount or brush all otc items as being the same; trust me, they're not.

I do not want to sound like a sour puss but DIM is useless. How does Adrian know? Adrian has tried DIM twice. Once was the liquid Bronx version (did nothing) then I tried another one (forgot brand) because I thought possibly the liquid was unstable and still did nothing, well nothing noticeable.

Good luck with you vegetable extract.

I know its a plant extract.

But then again think of nicotine opium heroin cocaine marijuana,

They are or all come from simply natural plants.. Yet the effects on the body are enormous.

There has to be plants that exert enormous positiv effects even if that does sound hippyish.
I'm sorry if I sounded like I was insinuating or associating you with any type of drug Adrian; because I wasn't brother.

There are some extremely effective over the counter supplements out there Shrek, and I'm talking drug like effectiveness here! So please do not discount or brush all otc items as being the same; trust me, they're not.

I know you weren't but all I can offer is my experience with the product. If you experience was different, your good fortune.

I know its a plant extract.

But then again think of nicotine opium heroin cocaine marijuana,

They are or all come from simply natural plants.. Yet the effects on the body are enormous.

There has to be plants that exert enormous positiv effects even if that does sound hippyish.
Yes I realise this, but not all plant extracts are equal.
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Mike, do you take kelp? Do you have dairy products (apart from whey)? Do you eat vegetables from the crucifier family, such as cabbage, broccoli, bok choy, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, kohlrabi, mustard, rutabaga, and turnip?

Firstly, thank you for the personal interest in my situation, I very much appreciate your insight and assistance.

To answer your question:

Kelp: No
Dairy Products: About 1 litre of full cream milk a day with my WPC shakes plus small amounts of cheese on my salads, normally feta.
Cabbage, broccoli, bok choy, brussel sprouts, cauliflower: Yes to all of them and absolutely love them. Regularly have these as part of my vegetable mix but not normally every day. The rest of the list, no.

Thanks again for the DIM recommendation and your advice in general.

Fadi, have you tried or do you have an opinion of liquid zinc supplements? I was in a health food shop today and wished you were over my shoulder to provide advice as the sales assistant didn't know anyone who had tried it :). I bought a bottle and he wants me to phone in a week with the outcome!

It's 100mL Ethical Nutrients 'Zinc Test' with each 10mL containing zinc sulfate (as heptahydrate) 59mg, equivalent elemental zinc 13.5mg.

The label provides a scale based on a 10-second taste with the taste experienced apparently providing an indicator of zinc deficiency. I can't wait to run the experiment.
Fadi, have you tried or do you have an opinion of liquid zinc supplements? I was in a health food shop today and wished you were over my shoulder to provide advice as the sales assistant didn't know anyone who had tried it :). I bought a bottle and he wants me to phone in a week with the outcome!

It's 100mL Ethical Nutrients 'Zinc Test' with each 10mL containing zinc sulfate (as heptahydrate) 59mg, equivalent elemental zinc 13.5mg.

The label provides a scale based on a 10-second taste with the taste experienced apparently providing an indicator of zinc deficiency. I can't wait to run the experiment.

Hi Nicole,

So you bought this yeh?

No, I've never taken it or found the need to. I don't know if you read my little story about zinc overdosing when I was younger, but I certainly don't have a problem in absorbing zinc that's for sure

I wish you had asked me before you spent your money Nicki, I would have saved it for you. You see, Carl C. Pfeiffer, Ph.D., M.D., former director of the Princeton Brain Bio Center (now deceased); He writes, "Remember that one of the easily recognized signs of a zinc deficiency is the appearance of white spots on the fingernails."

So tell me Nicole, have you got white spots on your finger nails? If so, then go ahead and take some zinc, they'll disappear in no time. Otherwise, just have your can (or fresh) oysters once or twice a week.

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^ I did notice white spots yesterday on my ring fingernails so perhaps not wasted (until I find the courage to try to eat an oyster *laughs*).
Mike, do you take kelp? Do you have dairy products (apart from whey)? Do you eat vegetables from the crucifier family, such as cabbage, broccoli, bok choy, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, kohlrabi, mustard, rutabaga, and turnip?

Please read every word here, thank you: Diindolymethane - Natural Protection from Estrogens

PS: If what you have is related to genetics, then our job would be to simply shift the balance in our favour as much as we can. Always remeber Mike, every little bit helps, every tiny bit!


Nice tips. I'm assuming Dairy Products = Bad.

I tend to be estrogen dominant as well. Cruciferous veges (except brussels) are mandatory in my diet especially as i'm getting older. I can really notice a difference when i stop eating them for a while.

These are good tips to do but it's like one step forward and 2 steps back if they are doing something they shouldn't be. Is there anything for those who are estogen dominant to strictly avoid?

KELP, i remember Vince Gironda recommending that years ago.
Please note also that zinc is so so good that it can get you into deep trouble if you're not careful with its dosage. I remember when I was in my late teens taking 30mg of zinc gluconate and suffering from a suppressed/weakened immune system which manifested itself in me being extremely lethargic because of it. My blood test showed a high count of white blood cells (all trying to fight whatever infection I had at the time). The only thing was that I had no infection but was over doing it in the zinc taking department. Cut back the zinc and within few days my energy level was back to its normal speed. I also learnt from that experience that certain salt carriers are much more efficient in delivering zinc to its targeted area than others. For example I can take 25mgs of zinc amino acid chelate but only 15mgs of zinc gluconate. It’s always a great idea to learn the language your own individual body speaks with you.Fadi.

I think i read this just in time. As part of my usual supp regime i take 30mg of Chelated Zinc with my last meal.

Been wondering why i've been so tired the last few days so i just checked out my Bulk Nutrients - Test Max which i just started a few weeks ago and the label says 300mg per 12g serve. Would this be a typo? I'm thinking they may have mistakingly added another zero.