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My journey with peptides

That's already been discussed. The easiest way to do find it is first thing in the morning, post workout because it is a natural time to produce gh and just before bed when you produce the most gh

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The plus side to peptides over roids is the health benefits compared to the degeneration of the liver and kidneys using roids. It may turn me in to a pin cushion but my results won't have me looking like I can't wipe my own ass. And I won't be on dialysis when I'm older

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Yes, however it would take at lease 3 months before any form of result can be expected. With a quality peptide, you should be feeling some form of improvement within 3 months. Being a med student i have access to the best quality and my research rats respond around the 3 month mark.

pinning 3 times a day, for 6 to 12 months would be a pain in the ass.

You also need to know when is the best time to pin to match your natural production levels. No point in pinning when your natural production is low.

Now I'm sure you don't need this knowledge but for everyone else reading this thread and wondering what are all the facts and tips with using peptides this I found was an easy to read and understand beginners guide

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Now I'm sure you don't need this knowledge but for everyone else reading this thread and wondering what are all the facts and tips with using peptides this I found was an easy to read and understand beginners guide
The very Basic guide to GHRP/GHRH Peptides | Team Pscarb

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Not a bad source of information. My information comes from Medical Journals and current research. For the lay man this site may be of some benefit. Like the title states "The very Basic Guide". If i was going to use a research chemical i would want more then just some basic information. Pub Med is full of creditable information and facts.

I personally have done alot of research into peptides, and wouldn't advise using them.. Especially if purchased within Australia.

Good luck with your research.
Now I'm sure you don't need this knowledge but for everyone else reading this thread and wondering what are all the facts and tips with using peptides this I found was an easy to read and understand beginners guide
The very Basic guide to GHRP/GHRH Peptides | Team Pscarb

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Oh, i might also like to add that it is highly advisable to check the dates the information was published. This article was published in October 2012. It,s kind of old, and outdated. There has been new findings since this article was published. Some of the advise given is not advisable.
Oh, i might also like to add that it is highly advisable to check the dates the information was published. This article was published in October 2012. It,s kind of old, and outdated. There has been new findings since this article was published. Some of the advise given is not advisable.

Yeah I agree it is old and not my only source of information I have read. I spent about a month just reading and reading to make up my own opinion as best I could. This isn't a bible to live by but it does have some good sound information in there that is still relevant.
I'm open to all sources of info anyone is willing to share. Except Oni's, that guy has dribbled crap on both sides of every fence on this site

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Oh, i might also like to add that it is highly advisable to check the dates the information was published. This article was published in October 2012. It,s kind of old, and outdated. There has been new findings since this article was published. Some of the advise given is not advisable.
Hi can you be specific on what info in the article is out of date and give the new finding please??
the 1mcg per kg dose doesn't apply to ipamorelin. A much higher dose is needed to get the same gh spike as with ghrp2 however the spike lasts longer.

Food intake does not seem to effect gh spike if a ghrh is used.

Not sure what your opinion of igf1 is, research I've read points to it being not effective once stopped ie the pump is temporary.

Above applies to real peptides, not the junk you get from Aussie online stores. jackass's lab tests don't surprise me.
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the 1mcg per kg dose doesn't apply to ipamorelin. A much higher dose is needed to get the same gh spike as with ghrp2 however the spike lasts longer.
the saturation dose is still 1mcg per kg but the spike is not as high as GHRP-2 and GHRP-6, it is a duel compartmental peptide as well so a higher dose before bed ( i have used 500-1000mcg) will give a second GH pulse 3-4hrs after when your asleep, there are references on Dats forum concerning this.

Food intake does not effect gh spike if a ghrh is used.
both Fats and Carbs still blunt the GH pulse no matter if you use a GHRH but the effect is not as once thought (i would be keen to see any studies you have though to say differently)

Not sure what your opinion of igf1 is, research I've read points to it being not effective once stopped ie the pump is temporary.
IGF-1LR3 or IGF-1 Des are useless for muscle growth as they use a totally different pathway than naturally occurring IGF-1 (both in the muscle and liver) but both are good for injury repair especially if micro dosed.

This applies to real peptides, not the junk you get from Aussie online stores.
i could not comment not being from Australia but i hear it is not a great scene for sources....

the article was something i wrote to try and make it more understandable for the average gym rat as there is a hell of a lot of science behind peptides and normally this does not need to be complicated.....if you can provide the studies i welcome reading them so i can update the article.
Hi can you be specific on what info in the article is out of date and give the new finding please??

No worries, will send you through latter today when I'm in my lab.
I will also send you some unpublished findings. Im in the middle of writing a paper for The Medical Journal Of Australia. these findings will be published next month i hope, peer reviewed.
No worries, will send you through latter today when I'm in my lab.
I will also send you some unpublished findings. Im in the middle of writing a paper for The Medical Journal Of Australia. these findings will be published next month i hope, peer reviewed.

that is great buddy many thanks
So it's been two weeks and everything been going pretty good so far.
I'm going to be moving to 3x a day as of today and am wondering if it will effect me negatively if I go 1 in the morning, 1 pre workout and 1 pre bed.
I know everything tells me to have post workout but I just can't find enough time in the day to do that with spacing them out every 3 hours.
Anyone have any info on this?

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So it's now 6 weeks in and after all the talk of people telling me that peptides in Australia don't work. Seems they might be wrong.
I've been a hard gainer my whole life and I'm now up 2 kg's and haven't increased my body fat at all.
I have increased my diet and been working a lot harder at the gym as well but still think peptides have played some part in my gains plus my PBS have been happening more often like I have moved passed the plateau I was stuck on.
Looking forward to finally benching 100 in the very near future ?

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Lol I put on 1-2 kg when I was using peptides but it was just water retention. Once I stopped my weight dropped back pretty quickly

I have increased my diet and been working a lot harder at the gym
^This is why you are gaining strength and possibly mass. Keep up the good work.

Peptides like ghrp/ghrh etc are a waste of money but if you enjoy sticking a needle full of unknown substances into your body 3-5 times a day then go for it.
my 2 sense :P

ghrp-6 3 x a day @ 100mcc

plus 1 ml of cjc-1295 with DAC x 1 week . @2000mcc per ml

best results ...but thats just me.