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Rapid Fat Loss diet by Lyle McDonald


New member
Any done the RFL diet by Lyle McDonald?

Thoughts? Results? etc.

Essentially its a protein sparing modified fast with most calories coming from protein. Adding in fish oil, vitamins and fibre from veggies.
Il have a look. How do you manage to keep your hunger down? Lol.

Lots of fiber and plenty of liquids but any time you reduce your calories by a large percentage over a short period of time you are going to be hungry. Leptin is a mofo.
I've done LG style IF for over a year now so I've learn a lot about actual hunger. This has helped a lot :)

How I've been doing it is. Lots of black coffee, water. Breakfast at 1ish with 300g tuna, salad with lemon juice & bacon salt. Finish the other 100g of tuna around 4:30ish before I go home at 5. (normally workout at 5:30) I will premake my before bed tasty snack when I get home which is either sf jelly & protein sludge or protein fluff.

I've got a variety of meats to use but generally dinner meal for me requires a bit over 100g of protein for me to reach my 230g target. Have some fibrous veggies with it & all done.

It's a bit like ground hog day at the moment :P Day 10 today so 3 days total to go :)
Yeah, feel a lot leaner. Down about 1.5kg's. Although, I feel that because the diet requires a high sodium intake that it's definitely not all about scale losses. Feeling very flat on day 11 though. Still making PB's in the gym though which is great. Will be taking pics/measurements/BF% stuff on Sunday morning.
My 12 day pics



I'm happy with the results :)
you done good jz....

kal-el? Didn't you hear the moaning from where you were on his carb up day? lolol
Wow, looking great mate.

Did you buy the book and follow the diet from there or get it from download somewhere, would be interested in trying this out after I have given my current diet a go for a while and see the results I have got from that.
thanks mate, thats what i was after :) I do have Lyle's book: The Ketogenic Diet but after this one as well.

Thanks mate :)

12 days of just eating meat, fibrous veggies & protein fluff basically. Definitely doable! Takes a bit of planning to get it right but worth it IMO.

I wouldn't do this diet unless you're less than 15% BF already though to make cat 1 numbers. Cat 2 seems like way too low cals for me.
Kicking Ass there bud!!!!

I found this the other day by Lyle Mcdonald...

Ultimate Diet 2.0...


Makes for very good reading...

In depth discussion on your body...

Its advanced Keto with a carb up for those under 12%... Plus a training schedule...

Cycles over 7 days consisting of a Catabolic period to loose fat while maintaining muscle and then an anabolic period during carb up....
Thanks mate :) Yeah, I've read UD2 as well. It's too regimented for me though with the exercise choices & days etc. RFL for cat 1 uses the same refeed protocol as UD2 except the low cals is done for 12 days instead of 4.