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zyzz hahahahahah fuck,,

He still looks better than 99.9999999999% of people who trash him over the internet.

You've said that numerous times. That's a big statement. Don't forget beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You think he's pretty good looking. I don't.

Here's where it gets fun. You're right. I'm right. You're wrong. I'm wrong. We're both right. We're both wrong. Perception?!
Heaps of people haven't met ex-prime minister John Howard too, and they might call him a douchebag.
No, I would not call him a douchebag, any more than I would call him an asshole. Those are American phrases, and I am not a fucking American, thankyou very much.

I would call both Sheriff Johnny and Zyzz dickheads.
Are you surprised PS? A thread about salt shakers could go for 10 pages here...

I find it funny that anyone who doesn't call him a douche,fag, nuthugger, homo etc is automatically one themself lol

Also - If you can't tell within 5 seconds of watching that video that he's taking the piss, just having a good time and trying to stir up shit, you have got bigger problems, I watched the video and didn't take it seriously and just had a laugh, like it was intended.
The idea that somebody is an twat because you don't think their a twat is a strange one.

Looks like he's achieved a good level of success. We should all be happy for him. It's what we all want. Isn't it? To get out of life what we want?
Me and my mates think he is hilarious. He looks like he's having plenty of fun and getting a decent body along the way. Probably gets heaps of vagajay too. Good on him.

Watch the vids, have a laugh, then go back to training and eating. Don't take life so seriously guys.
He looks like a really cool guy.
But more importantly, seems to be having fun and enjoying his life.

Why so much hate?
lol upto 7 pages
If you change your settings to 40 posts per page you would only be up to page two like me.
Totally irrelevant to Zyzzz but worth a mention.
So is this.
Zyzz should be relaxing his left glute by taking the weight off. Less painful when the pin slides in.
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nah more like really really bad asthma and child hood illness..

Bassicly ive had more blood taken had more needles than most smack addicts.
nah more like really really bad asthma and child hood illness..

Bassicly ive had more blood taken had more needles than most smack addicts.

LOL yeah I was just kidding. I had blood taken the other day. Freaks me out!!
a lot of hate in this thread....

i agree with oli, he has a better build than most of the population, and it is definitely more in line with a physique that chicks actually like. he is probably still 'too big' for a lot of chicks even at that size.

i would love to look like that, i wonder if it is doable naturally and with average genes..
i would love to look like that, i wonder if it is doable naturally and with average genes..

McDonald reckons 8% is doable as a nat if you're ultra strict on your diet, otherwise 10% is a better figure.

I think if you had the discipline it would be. Personally I don't.