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I've tried ZMA before, I gotta say, it affected my dreams while I slept. I've read accounts other people had recorded and they state that their dreams had become more interesting, they cap it off with a which leads me to think they had a good dream. My dreams weren't bad per se, they were just absolutely whack! like alice in wonderland whack. what made is worse was it was so damn vivid, everything felt too damn real. Maybe it affected my dream, or maybe it allowed me to recall my dreams better. who knows. Nutritionaly though it I took it for the test boost claims that I've read. My verdict is I get the same result from buying zinc caps n vit b serperately from pharmacist. No crazy dreams. all good
I had a dream where i was in a school where all the class rooms were connected via a rail system but instead of trains they used compactuses. In the dream all my enaemies from school times where there and i had to get them to fight a war with some guy who made robot bees. It was a strange dream.
I had a dream where I stepped into my yard, and tea cups and saucers were floating in the air, when I looked up I could see a rip in the universe.......