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Yet another routine thread

I dig this, especially the paragraph on reps.
I just wrote my own program. Noone to flame if shit goes wrong, but I know what my body responds to.
As if you wouldnt know how to write your own program, 0ni?
Lol at fancy names...

Have you thought about giving your self a reverse pineapple... Very good for cleansing the colon...
I just wrote my own program. Noone to flame if shit goes wrong, but I know what my body responds to.
As if you wouldnt know how to write your own program, 0ni?

It's a tough one because a lot of the training systems are designed with hormones involved. It's hard to differentiate training regimes of a natural athlete and a pharmaceutically enhanced athlete.

Most of the training in the pre-steroid era is pretty much what I have been doing recently and well. I've been growing like a weed. I wanted to give the good old fashioned bro-training a full go though as I have never actually committed 100% to it. More importantly, I want to see what happens to my strength levels and I can use this in the future to plan out my future training with better hypertrophy gains.

NOt sure it would.do anything for your legs... But the volume to the upper.body should.form a good base for the strength training to see gains later on...
the routine doesnt make the man

the man makes the routine

put intensity into it and you cant go wrong
How are we defining intensity here?
Percentage of 1RM? Difficulty?
How are we defining intensity here?
Percentage of 1RM? Difficulty?

If we are discussing the biulding of bodies then i will always define intensity as the intensity of work performed.

In that the rep's are performed in a controlled manner to utter fatigue and moving quickly between reps (minimal rest) 30sec.

Working out in this manner might not help you look like Arnold, but I t will biuld muscle and strength.

*8-12 upper body
*15-20 lower body
*Full body workouts
*Two sets maximum for upper body
*Three sets for lower body

But that's just me, everything works but HIT is based on safety and effacy.
Plus it can be taxing mentally.
I was thinking more 10+ sets and training each body part once a week.
The emphasis will be on rear delts, hamstrings, chest and arms as these are what is lacking in my physique as I see it. Arms especially.

The split I have decided on is:
sun - legs
mon - chest/shoulders
wed - back
fri - arms, calves, abs

As arms are the main focus, I will be adding in a set of biceps at the end of back day and a set of triceps on chest/shoulders day
This is my thoughts.

I don't like short rests. I'm not doing cardio, work hard during the set and rest so you can work hard next set again.

I also not a fan of feeling the muscle working. Lift heavy and If the target muscle is not being worked during the exercise, pick a better exercise.

For growing muscle hit the target area with a lot of volume.
Rest time -
I reckon this one is very important and largely overlooked and is one of the best ways to up the intensity of your workout.
Keep your rest between sets short, anything from 30sec to 90secs max.

I've been using longer rest periods lately.... Say I can do 12 reps of a weight. Using 60 sec rest periods means I go 12,8,5,5 (or close to) without being able to get more reps on any of those sets. 10,10,10 would probably not even be possible with 30-60 sec.

If you are hitting 8-12 reps with 30-60 sec rest periods, I guess you are using a very light weight for you? Or doing very few reps on the final sets?