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Yet another "buying a home gym setup" thread


New member
Well I've read a bunch of threads already so I am already leaning towards the MMPR I just don't know whether to get the commercial rack or not.
it's not so much a case of money as worrying about how the commercial rack will even get delivered at a net 200 kg's. It'll be going straight in the garage but it is a good 4 metres from the garage to where the truck would have to stop..
And there is still the caveat of ... is there anything else that is new and better? I am guessing not but I ought to ask.
My other question is, as I have already invested in olympic plates, for power cleans - as I am going to be doing starting strength - is there any reason I couldn't use them as opposed to going out and buying bumpers?
Also, I will be ordering all this from gym direct - I am assuming they will have about the best price (and most importantly deliver interstate)?

Thank in advance, I don't mean to repeat these sort of threads but any advice from those who have been through this would be welcome
for a home gym bumpers > plates

plates cant be dropped unless you use a platform, even still when i say dropped i mean from a failed deadlift, not cleans. i wouldnt use iron plates / rubber coated for cleans or oly movements, bumpers are the way to go if you plan of dropping them a lot
Hey mate.

I'm more than likely going for the MMPR, not the commercial one. It arrives in a box in pieces so you'll be able to drag it into your garage.

I'm in Perth and they definitely deliver here. Where are you at? The delivery is a bit pricey, but that's because of the weight of the gear, they don't add any margin to it.

Your best bet is to email adrian at gymdirect dot com.au as he can then give you a better quote that includes overall delivery cost and ausbb forum discount.

If you already have the olympic plates, I'd keep using them for now until you grow out of them. I'm probably going to go with bumpers just so that I don't have to upgrade to them later on.
Get the commercial rack, no questions asked. It comes in pieces that you can easily carry into the shed and put together no worries.

You don't need bumpers to do starting strength. Just lower your powercleans. That's how oly lifters used to do it before bumpers were around. Bumper plates are overrated. If you have a power rack you are not dumping squats on the ground anyway.
Thanks for the replies! I'll definitely email adrian. I wonder if I wanted to be all ghetto if I could get a couple of bumpers and use them on the inside with the olympic plates on the outside? As long as it was the bumpers hitting the ground? At least until I got all bumpers?

That won't work. You will fuck the bumpers very quickly.

I don't really see what HPRSP Commercial Power Rack at $1250 has over MMPR Power Rack at $595, I'm not being jovial. I'm genuinely interested in opinions.
That won't work. You will fuck the bumpers very quickly.

I dunno if your right about that. I know it isn't recommended but I used to lift at a PCYC where they only had two ancient zhang kong 20kg bumpers and one decent ABC bar. The old bloke that ran it reckoned the bar had been there ten years and the bumpers at least five they bought the two bumpers cause the cast plates kept cracking when dropped deadlifting.

Those bumpers were getting dropped on the bar loaded up with cast plates everyday, they were in pretty good shape, especially considering most of the wankers training there would just drop the deads not even bother trying to lower like a normal person.

The floor in the place was rubbergym flooring so that might have helped I guess. But still they copped the abuse.
That won't work. You will fuck the bumpers very quickly.

I'll hold off on that then. The other main thing I want to purchase with the rack is rubber flooring. It'll be a while before I am hitting non n00b weights so I have time to decide whether I really need to worry about using anything other than the plates I have

There is no doubt about it. Bumpers are designed to absorb their own weight, not their weight plus a shit load of metal plates.

There is nothing stopping anyone from doing it but just don't be surprised when the bumpers don't last.
More solidly built
3mm steel compared to 2mm
The standard is only rated to 700lb
Plate storage is handy

The commercial model is just made to handle big weights.

The solidly built and guage of steel items you mention mean nothing other than it's obvious affect on weight rating/capacity. How many people have a 700lb squat? Its $650 more and have to draw the line on budget somewhere
The solidly built and guage of steel items you mention mean nothing other than it's obvious affect on weight rating/capacity. How many people have a 700lb squat? Its $650 more and have to draw the line on budget somewhere
theres a difference between 700lbs, and 700lbs of instant force.
The solidly built and guage of steel items you mention mean nothing other than it's obvious affect on weight rating/capacity.

Well obviously, that's why your getting it.

How many people have a 700lb squat? Its $650 more and have to draw the line on budget somewhere

I don't know about you but when squatting i don't want to be even coming close to the labeled capacity of the squat rack.

Also what about rack pulls. My strength is nothing special and I have rack pulled 700lb. So what next i would be already at the limit of that rack.
If you want a rack that is sort of in between the MMPR and the commercial one, the Powertec racks are good and have a 1000 lb rating, for about $700.
If you want a rack that is sort of in between the MMPR and the commercial one, the Powertec racks are good and have a 1000 lb rating, for about $700.

The guy named Sam mentions a rack that I search for in google and first match is Sam's Fitness... coincidence?
Thanks for all the responses. The main thing I have learned is that regardless of choice getting it into the garage won't be a problem. As to commercial or not I am leaning towards the commercial for the extra sturdiness and storage though I doubt I will ever lift super massive weights. My main goal is to just stick to starting strength as long as I can and see where I go from there. At some point I will also need to look at a good bench but for now I can use what I have...
trust me, once u get hooked on being strong you will crave heavy weight lol

go the commercial quality stuff, even when u upgrade your bench, i had a shitty bench and it rocked side to side, was a pain in the ass.