1.5 grams pro per kilogram bodyweight? Without even trying. Plenty of whole foods out there to do that.
Who said you need a half kg of meat every day?
of course you don't only have to eat meat to get your protein
that's just stupid.
BUT for some people (higher BW, higher targets for protein/kgBW) they might end up eating that much
heck, some fatties do that anyway, and nothing to do with being healthy or lifting weights
if you were 100kg, and 1.5g/BW min = 150g protein
meat is often 30% protein, so that's 500g meat = 1/2kg
OR you can eat a range of foods with lower protein content to make up the required amount...
the point being that a 30g scoop of powder + milk = an easy and tasty 30g of protein in the mix
if you want to do the vego thing, there are "green" ways to get protein also..
but totally dismissing milk products as a protein source is just silly
unless you are a militant vegan who feels sorry for cows?
besides, WPI/WPC are kind of whole foods.. just with a bit of water taken out