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Workout help.



Hi everyone,

This is a question to all you Spartans out there, could you please lend some of your expert advice to a beginner trying to get into shape. I’ve been researching for about a year on my own, and its taken me that long to change my lifestyle to be healthier rather than a fad diet.


My current Stats are

Weight 79-80 Kg
Height 181cm

From my last measure I think I was about 20% body fat


Mon to Friday cardio, 25 Miuntes on the cross trainer. Going 2 mins slow pace 3 minutes maximum pace. Followed by very light dumbels doing flyes.(side and front)

During Monday to Friday I eat about a 1700-1800 calorie diet, which is on some days high protein and other days just a balance between carbs and protein. Not eating any excessively fatty oily foods. And at least one protein shake

Saturday and Sunday

I work out my Chest region on Saturday and my Back region on Sunday, both workouts I max out until I can do no more.

On these days I eat a little bit more, don’t really calorie count, but would say there is more carbs.

Anyway my question was, so far it seems to be going well, I seem to be losing a kilo a week. I am just confused with so many things I read regarding muscle building etc, I trying to go for a leaner build, I am just confused as I hear a lot of people saying to build muscle which burns fat, however from what I understand you need to eat more to gain mass.etc?

Basically I want to know is it better to strp the fat first, and then add muscle? And as it is now, am I doing anything majorly wrong.

Any advice appreciated.

Strength training will build muscle while decreasing your body fat,Muscle burns more calories than fat,keep an eye on your calorie in and calorie out
Maybe try mixing it up.

If you want to build muscle = more weight. Try doing cardio on the weekends, doing the weights during the week. Doing just your chest is not enough. You need to do arms, shoulders, back, abs, & legs.

If you are finding that you are not losing weight at the moment, you may have plateued, so you need to change your routine. This will kickstart your body into working again.

Good luck

If you don't know what exercises to do, then check out the "sticky" threads.

Depends, at first strength training builds muscle and burns fat after awhile tho you will have to split it up and focus on one then the next i.e bulk up then after a few months focus more on cardio to strip the fat. thats not saying stop cardio during bulking or stop weights during the fat lose. just focus more on one at a time.
As far as I know you can either bulk up ar lose weight. Both can be done at the same time but its a slow process.
I'd (Idid) lose weight/slim down then lift lots of heavy weights at home with free weights.
I'm a long way from my goal and it hurts alot, but I'm getting there.
Good luck.