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No one should get upset talking about drugs in sport. It is a reality and needs to be discussed.

I doubt if there is much cheating in PA.

However, it is quite clear that there is still much cheating in other sports, so who knows.

I know track guys who still dabble, i know even footballers (more junior levels) also.

The use of peptides (with no test yet) would definitely mean that some would be tempted.

I look around at results, and i see a few people again doing good peformances after going down for several years.

I think with drug-tested sports, all you can say is that they are drug-tested and there now is a greater chance of being caught. It seems now that a negative test is not only way anymore to imply or prove guilt.
It's hilarious

You are stirring. My statement was that none of the top PA guys are cheats. You say you know some guys that are cheats so since they are not any of the top guys and they are in the minority I take it that they are not successful. They are losers for cheating. I don't know if you are natural ONI or whatever your name is. I have no idea of your motives to do whatever it is you do. If you disagree then I'm calling bullshit. What do i mean by that- you are stirring chit for the sake of it. What have I said that is incorrect?
I'm not sure what the comment about bias is about. I do not stick my nose into others affairs -and I'm not the type to point fingers or judge people- but I do respond when people suggest that myself or any of the guys I know well are doing things we are not. I have friends in many Feds under different rules- I do my best to make no assumptions and take people for who they are and give credit where it's due. But don't stir shit and expect me not to bite.
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As I said, the entire argument either side is pretty hilarious
I'm glad I've let you realise just how stupid the whole thing is
That is my motive. I honestly do not care if someone uses drugs. I don't consider myself natural and I take many drugs recreationally and to boost performance that are on the WADA banned substance list and I have always been 100% truthful about what I have taken and plan on taking

You can logically assume that the vast majority of people do not take PEDs in both tested and untested feds.
You can't logically assume that the top guys are not using PEDs
You can't logically guess what proportion of these people are using PEDs
You can't logically assume that the top guys are the people that use the PEDs
You can't logically assume that the weaker or middle range guys are the people that use PEDs
You can't assume an even spread of PED use to skill level
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Oni is one of my favorites.

I hope to see him grow and become more mature through the benefit of debate with his peers and others.

What would banning achieve?
My guess is he is on some psycho-active- not performance enhanced.

More accurate than you realise.

Oni's argued with me about the finer points of rock climbing though I have been climbing for 4 years and I believe he's 'been to try it a few times'.

Intuitions, metaphors, similarities with key differences, everything will be brought forward to win the argument. It's not worth it.

No offense Oni but sometimes I swear you post just to agitate people or cause you can't see what they're trying to say.
I don't consider myself natural and I take many drugs recreationally and to boost performance
this is why I like da Poni, he brings the lols and the jimmy rustling in equal quantities.
Me agree. Oni is a an AusBB legend who should be revered given the amount of responses he gets.

His legend grows further now i know his prowess extends even further than mere experience in cycling, powerlifting and strong man.

I hope to see some of Oni's rock climbing exploits on clips posted on this site.
ONI- I'm talking about PA. I know these people im referring to personally. They are good friends. They are drug free.
As for the reference to logic- you said you cannot have a drug free meet. If all the people at competed in a meet were drug free it would be drug free. Do you understand what logic is? I said I assumed you meant you cannot know or prove they are drug free. You ignored that distinction. Knowledge or demonstration of a fact is different from the actual fact of something. Now with my friends I accept that there is nothing I can do to satisfy your skepticism. However I'm saying I know these people. Do you? As with all things you reach a point when you suspend skepticism because it is countwrproductive- even silly- you can raise doubts, but are you basing this on anything or just talking shit? If its the later, do you understand that this? Far from revealing the stupidity of saying a specific group of people are not drug cheats you are coming across as troll master supreme- or you think I'm an idiot.
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No need to let the truth get in the way of a good story. LOL.
You all might be an ONI fan coz he shit stirs. But with me- since this relates to something that relates to me directly I see this as someone who thinks they know shit who can't admit he frequently talks absolute rubbish. It might seem amusing to you. To me it's both sad and annoying.

He is nothing but a peanut spritcha, give up and just learn to ignore the little gnome.

I am not accusing anyone of taking drugs
I'm just saying that you can not logically say with any sort of validity that someone is a drug user or that they are clean. I also do know people in PA that use drugs. They are my friends. Drug users attract drug users... clean people attract clean people. I honestly have no idea if a meet is drug free or not unless there is someone there that I know to be a drug user.

As I said before, my motive is to let people realise that they can't logically say it one way or another. I've not accused anyone of anything, I have better things to care about than whether or not someone uses drugs and despite what could be mistaken as a double bluff, you don't strike me as a drug user at all
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What on earth are you talking about? I'm drug free. Are you saying I cannot say that? You understand logic right? If it is POSSIBLE for someone to be drug free then you CAN logically say someone IS drug free. Are you saying its impossible to be drug free??? Are you drunk?
SP, i do understand your argument.

However, i dont think there is a need to ever ban Oni as has been suggested by others. He is quite interesting.

Banning people all the time is akin to fascism in terms of debate and free speech. Oni does not really denigrate anyone, although his language can be colourful. I have also copped small doses of abuse from ONI.

There are a lot of us who enjoy Oni, albeit that others may not.

I think it is great that you put in his place at times with some of his assertions which,of course, can and should be more thoughtful. He should not imply he knows this and that ...

But who wants conversations where we all want to agree with each other. That would be boring.
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