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why i converted from BB to PL?

I’ve said before, my favorite definition of strength is “the ability to do”.

Most people associate physical strength with a 1RM, the application of maximum force in a specific movement.

But strongman competitions involve more than 1RM strength, they require power and endurance as well.

Speed, an element of power, is essential in almost all sports activities.

The individual who excels at the greatest number of such physical activities has the greatest ability to do, and would therefore be justifiably considered the “strongest”.

At the end of the day?
Changing your training mode from time to time is a good idea.
u do get some guys who have never done a PL exercise yet are very good at strongman balls by just doing that alone. I know a few who dont do any bar work and just keep doing that same thing over and over.
People like Trent have helped me to decide what i really want to do with my lifting and i'd have to agree with this. When i first started my main goals were looks to start off with which i felt was important and i wanted to gain strength for my sport.
Since researching as well as chatting with Trent and learning from others on the forum i've come to realize that strength and performance is number one, closely followed by mass and size. looks don't matter to me anymore, their a bonus which is slowly coming along anyway. I want to improve strength and conditioning for my sport and i also want to put on as much size as i can which is also for performing better in my sport. Definately would rather be strong then lean and cut right now. but one day that might change
Trent made me realize there's more to life than crossfit
Much prefer a PL program over a BB program...