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Why does everyone jackoff to the little shit?

You don't think the 2 gram a week their shooting might not have something to do with. Show me photos of ipf lifters (not eat euros or Asians) who looked jacked. Go on I challenge you.
And yes if one is aspiring to be a pro bodybuilder, and is lucky enough to be the 1% of the 1% and be able to do that you will have to do your calf raises and maybe a handful of other small movements for your symmetry. BUT, for your average trainer which is 99% of the population that shit isn't needed at all to be a big strong, good looking motherfucker.
Is not the goal i said, it just happens to come along with muscle increase.

Is the goal i said.

the aim in this endevour is to; improve, increase, progress the weight on the bar, it must increase over time to see any change, this is what we should be trying to do (our goal) each time we step into the gym.

micro trauma in the muscle tissue creates more tissue, the muscle increases in volume, strength follows as in - a larger muscle enables, that muscle to become stronger. It's not the "pump".

Fuck me, how can you improve what you cannot measure?
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I am forced to do ridiculous dropsets with leg extensions/legcurls now.

I used to have gout (in my right knee, now gone)
Still have bursitis (have for 20 yrs)

And now, I have a shocking heel-spur.

I can't catch a break.

I was loving the Legpress, can't do them now.

You can't make chicken soup out of chicken shit.

This is what most dont get.

BB'ing is about muscle shape and proportion and symmertry, all the hours in the gym cannot change those things.

This is why BB'ing has changed over the years to include "BIG".
everybody reacts differently to different movements, i know for a fact my delts have blown up from doing lots of side laterals. they love it. i still concentrate on the big 4 but certain other excercises always come into my routine too.

but i do agree with you that too many people focus on random excericses or bizarre variations of the big 4 while being weak as shit at the basics. one i see everyone doing in the gym is shrugs and standing oblique crunches (like with a plate or dumbell in one hand and bending/crunching sideways) they dont even do the main lifts and are focusing on these tiny isolation lifts.

Shrugs are the 4th powerlift.

I'm been serious.

Traps are the new abs.
Shrugs are the 4th powerlift.

I'm been serious.

Traps are the new abs.

Calling them a powerlift takes away from how good they are. Just look at how powerlifters have butchered the squat and bench. Deadlift is still pretty good.
if I just did the big 4 I would have quit working out ages ago, just to boring. I start every session with one of them and then add accessory exercises.
if I just did the big 4 I would have quit working out ages ago, just to boring. I start every session with one of them and then add accessory exercises.

I agree totally. The big 4 or 5 is the staple of my training, then I add things like side laterals, curls and so on.
People need to make up their minds
First it was the big three, then the big 4 and now the big 4 or 5

Personally, I like the big 12
Reubs, the answer is quite simple, in part it's because of popular media and gym culture, but mostly, it's because it's easy. Squats are hard, not only to do, but also to learn and they're easy to fuck up. Especially when common gym wisdom and PT's has you preforming them three feet high and with your feet pointing straight ahead. Oh, and remember not to let your knees go past your toes. Much easier to simply do some curls and some pushdowns.

Fuck me, how can you improve what you cannot measure?

But if you don't measure, you don't have to compare yourself with other people and you don't have to come up with excuses as to why you suck.

Dan Green up there is an excellent example. Dude is huge and lean, but his waist is a little too wide, his shoulders a little too narrow, and his mid delts just look weird. Stan Effording is another good example, huge dude and impossibly lean, but looks nothing like a pro bodybuilder just because his muscles are shaped differently.

Dan Green, has a very strong engine and unlike the typical, traditional looking shape of a body-biulder a very efficient transmission.

The squat is the best exercise, but you got to do it right... in terms of working a lot of muscle, as a result it hurts and makes one feel very uncomfortable, done poorly can also result some major injury.

I am guessing you look like the hulk then?

The old Powerlifting V Bodybuilding thread - happens what every 6 months? haha

People need to understand you train for your goal - Do you ask guys who go to the gym when they are going to the Olympics for weightlifting? Do you ask a Rugby player when he is in the gym when his next bodybuilding comp is?

Yes Squats, Deads, Bench, press are all great exercises but people have different goals - you'll find alot of the Powerlifters posted in this thread that "look better" follow bodybuilding style programs aswell/or include it into their programs and "jack off to the little shit"

I would ask a bodybuilder about roid cycles. Training probably not as much.
I would ask a bodybuilder about roid cycles. Training probably not as much.

Huh? All Bodybuilders take roids?

Hate to break it to you but you'll find that alot of powerlifters are cycling more-so than alot of bodybuilders haha
Bodybuilders and weightlifters have grown apart more than any period in time, especially if you spend time on forums, you see constant chest banging and although we all use the same tool (the barbell) which we should and usually perform the same exercise, which we should, I think the separation is due to natural selection, certain types simply do not have the ability to demonstrate strength and men with the potential to build great strength more often than not have the type of physique to enter a body building contest.
Then there is the rest of us here, middle of the road, who do what we can, we know exercise biulds strength and flexibility, we cannot make a silk purse out of a sows ear.

bodybuilding is full of lies, smoke and mirrors, a big component of this is drugs.
You'll also notice that over the years, the focus in pro BBing is less on symmertry, shape and looks.

Why is that?