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Who's the best ever natural bodybuilder?

i dont care who says what .. all Bodybuilders are not natural.

Where do you draw the line? whats a PED and whas not. Just because somthing is legal it doesnt not mean it is natural.

Creatine is a performance enhancer.

find me a pro natural bodybuilder who doesnt use any supplements only food.
Yes, there are banned PEDs and not banned PEDS with authorities constantly playing catch up role.

and many aths will take something looking for edge.

However, we can agree there is difference between aths who take illegal PEDS and those who do not in accordance to rules.

Are you implying that creatine should be classed as a steroid?
It is an interesting topic.

But as has already been mentioned, the definition of natural is questionable.

So the thread is more like "Who's the best bodybuilder who hasn't abused PEDs?"

The thing with finding the best TRULY natural bodybuilder IMO is it just comes down to who has the best genetics. No matter how hard someone trains, if they stay natural, someone with great genetics will look 10x better with any mediocre amount of effort.

It's like grabbing a bunch of kids, giving each of them the same maths book, and giving them a maths test 1 week later. Sure, not necessarily the smartest kid will win, but you can sure as hell guarantee that the dumber kids won't win no matter how much they study that book. The smarter kids will win. And if any of the smart kids actually TRY, they would easily win.

Agree with everything except the mediocre effort. To look like any of these guys, or have people suspect you of steroid use, you need to do a hell of a lot of work.
are we defining Natural as people who have competed and haven't failed a drug test?
naturals don't get tested off season in a majority of organisations. I've read alot do cycles off season I read an article on some guy who wanted to remain anonymous that he drugged he's whole career at very low doses and never got tested. If you mg of test per litre limit or whatever is it u could prob get away with it at the right dose. It's natural comps why juice its total bs
Are you implying that creatine should be classed as a steroid?


Performance enhancers dont always mean steroids and vice versa.

You can train in high altitude and that is a performance enhancer which gives you an edge over the competition, you get the same results as using EPO. one is allowed the other isnt...

you can use steroids to help a chest infection .. doesnt mean you will squat heavier at the gym...

I mentioned creatine as a performance enhancer as it increases your creatine levels and water levels. They will be higher than someone who is not on it, therefor giving that person a slight edge over the competition.... my question was where do you draw the line??? what is considered "natural"

they should not call it "natural" body building .. that should call it "Legal" bodybuilding because none of them are natural.

correct me if im wrong but arent the steroids used to clear infections different ot anabolic steroids?

and also creatine is a naturally occuring element in your body (coming from red meat i think) so it would depend on your individual body as to how much creatine would be in your body "naturally", taking a creatine supplement is just ensuring you have the optimum levels.


The same thing could be said about any sport or competition. That's the whole idea of winning competition, it takes genetics and hard training.

Problem is too many people play the poor genetics card when really they just aren't training that hard.