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Who has convinced their GF/wife/whatever to start training?


Administrator. Graeme
Staff member
My girlfriend is always going on about how she wants to get into shape , get fit

when we go for walks along the walking track there is some equipment to do bodyweight work outs , such as stepping blocks , dip bar , chinups and pushups situps .. have gotten her to use the stepping stone pushups situps stations

So my question is, if any body has had success showing their significant other the light of barbell training, how did you do it? Or is it all just a matter of them wanting to do it?
My work situation changed and it allowed me to go to the gym during the day, and i asked my wife to come along with me. That was 2 years ago now, she motivates herself to lift more and train harder.

Yes i pushed her when training (not to go though, that has to be up to her) and maybe she did not want to disappoint me.

We trained together from day one and she does exactly what i do, we push each other. It's part of our life, just as work is, it has made us closer i think as we have something we are both passionate about in common, apart from the kids.

if your GF wants to follow someone or see other women doing it.

her instagram is: misslifty

I have been to the gym everyday for the last 13 years and prior to that on and off. But now, if she stops training, so will i.
Was getting her into it...then got her knocked up.

Shes keen after birthing...so we will see.

You can't make someone train, they either do it or they won't, no matter what you say.
Yep agree also. I just planted the seed. Then she came to me, took about 5 months lol.

You can't make someone train, they either do it or they won't, no matter what you say.

Ehh... there is so much dogma and crap everywhere advertising body shaping/toning/etc that anyone can convince anyone else to do it quite easily, especially a significant other.

Got a great female co-worker, we also go round a walking track and use every piece of exercise equipment there is. What really helps is that there is 2 of everything on the 1 station (so 2 sit up machines on the one station, two push up bars on the one station etc). I found that goes a long way too
I want my wife to powerlift.
Shes a natural squatter...
Squatting a very easy 80kg on first go lol.
Hilariously good at it.

I want my wife to powerlift.
Shes a natural squatter...
Squatting a very easy 80kg on first go lol.
Hilariously good at it.


What's the go with that?
My wife, I was all careful about her trying to get deep, and she easily squats ATG, first session for about 3 years, front squats BW

I'm thinking of getting mine those ankle weights they wear while vacuuming and hanging the washing.
I re-met my fiance when I started training her. She was a cardio bunny prior. She came to me though as she trusted that I wasn't going to make her bulky/manly or whatever. I guess I am lucky She now competes in powerlifting also.