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Which Machine?

Which machine

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I like your sarcasm goose

Pretty sure he's not joking...

Since joining in January you've gone through 4 different program's, getting opinions on them each time lol. Like your 5x5 for everything program.

"5 x 5 Failures

It wasn’t the program’s fault, genius. It was your own! If you’re running a 5 x 5 program that looks like this below, you better hit the “abort” button sooner rather than later:

Squat, 5 x 5

Deadlift, 5 x 5

Bench press, 5 x 5

Military press, 5 x 5

Worse yet, 5 x 5 failures do all this in one workout! No wonder these guys crash and burn!" Mike Robertson

Logically the body doesn't know the difference between free weight and machine. They both produce an external stimulus but one doesn't need as many muscles to produce movement. Does that make one better for overall muscular stimulation? Yes. Does that make the stimulation of the muscles used in the machine movement any less significant than the free weight version? No.

Just because you wasted a crapload of time on machines in previous years doesn't mean that every one will. You said it yourself, they were your LAZY YEARS. Which makes me think you just didn't give a fuck, put no effort in and are now having at the lack of results they gave you.

This is the BODYBUILDING forum, so all these junk machines serve a purpose. Most likely people want to target weak points in their physique, and can do that with machines.
.......... lets not jump the gun here folks. Lets await Louie/Marty/McFly's rebuttal. I'm sure it shall be entertaining and laced with four letter obscenities.

I still do 5x5. Except one day I do I higher rep version. Even tho I waisted my time with machines I didn't gain nor loose. I was training at a gym at the time that was unmanned and had fuck all free weights. And okay they stimulate the muscle but so does walking. U know how many dudes I know that said I bench 150 I went to train with them and put them on a regular bench and then struggled with 50 or how many dudes have told me I can run 10 ks on a tread mill but struggle doing 3 on concrete or grass. And they where lazy coz machines make u take the easy way out. I hate machines its clear so tell me something new ? I regurely change my program my body adapts very easy. If I can educate people and make them realise that these machines arnt as great as the manufacture claims or the gym that supplies them says then I've done something good for them. If no one wants to listen and pick a fight over it good on them. Any way I'm over it now I really couldnt two fucks what you or any one else does with there program or body. And why must some one who only uses free weights be labled a power lifter...just coz its a bodybuilding forum doesn't mean it all has to orthodox or conventional.
.....what? umm hmmmm... so... ummm .. WTF?! I wouldn't mind a diet coke about now actually .. but ... wtf? Thats just... random, and irrelevant .. might as well have retorted with "I can count to potato!"
People are so dramatic in here like bitches oh no not my precious hammer strengh machine that I can load 5 plates on each side and press and look big and tuff but can't even db bench 35s. Maybey the pros use them but the amount of gear they are on Pilates would make them grow! To all u bitches useing machines on the reguler I say harden the fuck up, take hold of your penises and be a man. The easy way isn't the right way. U can be a bitch or be a man. In fantasy land u can cable curl 100 kgs but in reality u will be lucky to do 15. Don't be tool like blokes the new generation of resolutioners and the elderly. Lift REAL iron dont be ******s of fancy red handles. If u can't isolate your body part naturaly then don't pin yourself In a machine. Now eat a steak and stop being like fucking vegans !!!!!

Who's being a dramatic little bitch.
I dedicate this post to fluffy!

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2

I love you bro I really do.

Reminds me of the old sane.

You can marry a whore but its not gonna make her a housewife..........

Also I don't think mcfly lifts. I think he is bellas troll account.
I love you bro I really do.

Reminds me of the old sane.

You can marry a whore but its not gonna make her a housewife..........

Also I don't think mcfly lifts. I think he is bellas troll account.

nah his stories are more realistic