Well-known member
Chocchillimango my protein is def too low going by your post. I have about half of that as I'd previously based my daily protein intake on 1gm per LBM. I am not a huge red meat eater, mainly because it just doesnt agree with me so I generally get my protein from chicken, fish, lean turkey slices, eggs, chickpeas and WPI.
I think I have enough essential fats and if anything am perhaps fat sensitive - I add avocado to my protein shake and I use to add coconut oil to my porridge and shake as well but noticed I put on weight so stopped it (and lost the weight again).
I think you're also dead right about too low kcals though and will look to upping them. What is the healthiest way to add carbs that you can suggest?
Lastly, photos of me here - please dont laugh at the selfies I am just trying to show where I am up to. The side on belly photo is the last one I think - it probably doesnt look so bad in the pic but IRL it is noticeable and when I lean over for example, I have this little "spare tyre" there! The last time I had the same issue (ie belly after baby #3 the only way I lost it was to get down to 53kg and this is why I'm aiming to get there again - if I could stay at my current weight and lose the belly in isolation I would much prefer to do that)
Oilucy's Library | Photobucket
I think Big Mick made a very valid comment re bloating too as I find I bloat very easily depending on what I eat. Last night we ate fish and steamed greens so I have no bloating today at all and these pics were taken today. If however, I was to eat pasta, red meat or rice, I would have a bloated stomach today for sure.
I don't eat red meat either. I do eat pork sometimes but mostly fish, eggs, turkey and occasionally chicken and of course dairy etc.
If you find you get bloated with carbs etc, take care when eating legumes and carbs.
I have fructose/fructan intolerance so have to be super careful, as an example.
But mostly, keep things like potato/sweet potato, rice (if tolerated), oats (ditto), and fruit/veg and maybe add in quinoa. Good source of protein and carbs and not as bloat promoting.
If you are looking to lose fat and want to preserve muscle, it's a good idea to increase your protein to 2g per kg of LBM (I use my total weight x 2.5g because I'm tiny but generally speaking the former is good).
With diet protocols, there is no magic solution. CBL and others are all good, if they work for you as an individual. With my food intolerance, I have most of my carbs at night and I feel better that way but I don't do that every day. Depends when I work out.
It's not a bad idea to stack your carbs around workout time (ie a little pre workout and a good amount in your post workout meal).
You already seem to know how your body reacts to carbs and fats. It might take a little more experimentation (took me a few months) but you will find it's easy to adjust as you go. Just don't switch around every week. Give yourself a few weeks to determine if you are gaining or losing fat/muscle at a sustainable rate.
Don't look at the scales. Look in the mirror and measure yourself if need be. That is a much much better indication of where you are at. The scales are misleading, ESPECIALLY when you are in your healthy range and are looking to change your body comp.
Good luck