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when your squat = your bench


New member
Ok guys, looking for thoughts on this.

I am under the impression that it is considered rather a disgrace in the lifting world for your bench and your squat to be bout the same.

So, I'm wondering, at 46kg, do I have an 'acceptable' excuse for this until i gain a few more kg's? considering i'm coming from a place of being underweight for my entire life and doing nothing to maintain any muscle tone at all, anywhere.

I'm wondering if since pretty much equal time is spent on training upper and lower, if i just keep eating and keep training, will there come a point where my squat/leg strenth starts to progress quicker? or would i need to increase the time spent working on legs...But then, I don't want to stop progressing in bench either....

Is any of this making any sense??
Or is it simply that i haven't tested a 1RM on either so I really don't know just what I can squat and what I can bench...maybe there is a bigger difference and i just dont know it yet....wish i knew
Any progress is progress and should be seen as such....

Everybody has different muscle fibres that react differently to training.

Previous sports you played previous exercise all plays a part on what proportion of what catagories your muscle fibres are. Some respond better to different styles of training then others..

As i said progress is progress keep working on it...
Just give it time.

In most cases, bench >= squat means a young bloke who mainly just benches and avoids working legs. Typically with such a guy, chest is stronger than back, which is stronger than legs. That's backwards. Ideally, legs > back > chest.

However, if someone works legs, pull and push consistently, well everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, so there might be funky imbalances to begin with. However, that consistent work will make things balance up. At some point soon your bench will slow down or stall in progress and your squat will keep getting stronger.

My muscle fibres are from the stick insect catagory noobs...my arms take forever to grow and change
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The bench in the first 5 months with this trainer increased from 37.5kg to 60kg, sat there for a month or so now but i have had some upper back issues going on.

I just want to know what i'm really capable of...spose i just have to wait and see.

I am not completley tripping thinking that at 50kg, i will bench 68-70kg and squat 80-90kg am i??? Cause that is whats going to happen.
Thats a pretty damn good bench for a female!
Re the squat, I reckon in a few months your squat will be far greater than your bench. just keep at it.
Thats a pretty damn good bench for a female!
Re the squat, I reckon in a few months your squat will be far greater than your bench. just keep at it.

I should make it clear dicko that my 60kg bench is a gym, working set bench i think you would call it, or is it touch and go, never just one rep on its own. I also have the security of close spotting. Dont know if you saw my post in 'female training ptc style' after i tried to a 'paused' bench, disaster and it took me back to about 40kg, the pause just killed me.

The more i think about it, the more i reckon i can already squat more. Surely if you can get out 5 or 6 reps at 60kg, you can get out at least one at 70kg???yeah??
Nobody was having a go at you Eje. You just didn't understand how much your spotter was assisting you. Just ask your PT if he'd mind keeping his hands off the bar so you could bench yourself. I can't see why he'd have a problem with that. Then you can get a more accurate sense of where you are at with your lifts. Maybe once you are unassisted the ratio of your bench to squat might be closer to where they should be. Good luck mate
bench and squat

if you can make capo queensland state titles on the 12 march you may find some of the answers you are looking for ,check out the details on this site under qld state titles ,give me a yell and i will intro you to some of the girl lifters who can answer most of your questions,ok?
yes eje come watch us at the queensland titles it will be very inspiring, and you seem to hav eteh right focus, just maybe some more direction.

I used to bench more than I could squat, squats are hard i did't do them much, train bench once a week, deads once and squats twice, it will eventually come good.

i can now out squat my bench by 20kg, progress...soon that will be 30kg
I can't squat or bench much, about the same in fact, but I can do nearly 3x those weights when I deadlift. I dunno why.