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What's the best Personal Trainer course? I'm in Melbourne

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just an idea, but for those moments where you do find a little bit of time, say an hour or so while the kiddy is napping or something. possibly give rmit a call and ask them which books they use as study aids for the course. that way you can get a head start and start reading... as i said before, im doing a 10 week course and theres ALOT of reading to be done in such a short time.... my advice is get a head start

Woaw, I'm not reading all that. I think you need to build a bridge and get over it.
Once you pay the deposit for the course ($300), RMIT gives you the manual. It's the only book you need - it covers all the material coming up in the classes, and more than will come up in the exams or practicals.

Most of the TAFE manuals I've seen are complete muddles. The AIF ones, mere comedy.
ah the tafe manuals are the same as AIPT, theres 3 books they give you, one for cert 3 (basic explanations of things) then cert 4 bit more detailed and a muscle/exercise book which is handy. either way i think they would be a great head start
How's it going lizzyjean?

Props to you for looking to study PT courses especially with a young one. I'm pregnant with my 1st and I'll also need to continue my studies (and probably some part time work) for the next few years at least...... not looking forward to it at all!!

Ditto. Seems like there's been a bit of a misunderstanding; I hope you can find the answers to your questions either on here or your original bb forum.
You people without kids just don't know what it's like (time management wise), so you may as well stop making assumptions on how we manage our time or choose to raise our children. I will be a personal trainer, but there's no urgency.

Hello there Lizzy,

I won’t be making any assumptions I promise but I do have one comment to make based on my observation of your attitude here so far; I love it!

I see a determined mum who well knows her ultimate priority in this life; you make me very proud indeed.

I have four daughters ranging in ages from 17 to 5. One will be finishing school this year whilst the youngest has just started her educational journey. I know all about time and sincerely understand where you’re coming from.

I won’t be getting involved in what Kyle or Shrek were discussing with you about the PT course, your words have simply shifted my focus onto the motherhood aspect of you, and that’s all I’ve chosen to comment on. So well done and all the best in whatever you choose to do when you choose to do it.

If there is one aspect of this forum that fails is the lack of respect And support shown to new members.
Kyle and shrek you need to pump your brakes.
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My opinion FWIW.If you are motivated take the quickest,most convenient or the cheapest option or take all three if you can.Get the certificate and the knowledge you gain in the gym,talking to others,researching,reading etc. will make up for the shortfall.
From what I have seen and heard a lot of instructors/PTs don`t know their arses from their elbows so a fat lot of good their course did them.
Of course the best course is the best option but if you can`t take it for whatever reason take what you can.
I would simply do the course by correspondence, get your paper then really start learning.

Get yourself to a GOOD gym, and follow a good PT like a bad smell. Ask them all sorts of questions and get them to explain their methods.

How do you know if they are good or not? If you cant find plenty of their clients that have made markable improvement then pick another PT.
If there is one aspect of this forum that fails is the lack of respect And support shown to new members.
Kyle and shrek you need to pump your brakes.
I gave three respectful and informative answers, directed her to websites and threads where she could get more information, and offered my private email to discuss any concerns or questions she had at length.

I've often given my time in person to people to help them with training and education. But it has to start with an email or something. And that something in this case is the forum.

No email came, and a month later she popped up with comments demonstrating that she had not researched or read anything at all. I gave a fourth informative answer with a little dig at her lack of research. It went downhill from there.

We can offer respect and support to new members, but new members have to respond productively to that. If they respond destructively (as with modo or PowerBuilder) or with indifference and inattention (as here), there's not much we can do.

As they say, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. Sometimes, the horse begs for a drink, you lead them there, and they refuse to even bend down to take a drink, and then piss down your leg.

So we get annoyed. You may consider this being annoyed "a lack of respect and support." I would consider it a normal human reaction.

It seems to be a Catch-22 with you, Silverback. If I write lengthy respectful and supportive posts, it's "blabberfingers." If I write short and snappy ones, it's "lack of respect and support." So whether I am respectful or not, supportive or not, write long or short posts, you will say it's wrong. Understand, then, that I will not worry too much about your opinion.

My offer of help and discussions of things I know about remains open. But the person has to respond productively to that. I will bust my arse to help others, but they have to be willing to help themselves.
I understand you Kyle

But it does take just a quick glance maybe three seconds for someone to evaluate you when you meet for the first time, in this time the other person forms an opinion about you based on your demeanor, I havn't met or spoken to you in person so this type of forum is possibly not a good gauge on what you are like.

I call it as I see it, but if someone asks me a question I'll choose whether to answer usually I won't, but if I do- I will always ask "why" and try to understand their perspective on things.

Because of the Internet common sense seems have taken a long holiday and people are generally very confused, in my experience it all works there is no one way, are very respected here but at times you appear dogmatic my apologies if I'm wrong.
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Kyle has offended me once or twice but instead of jumping down his throat i sit back and have a look at it and come to the conclusion he was just offering his opinion in his own no bullshit shoot from the hip way.Get over it.this is a body buliding forum.Aren`t we all aiming to be rock hard men/women?If we get pissed off over comments made on the net how the hell would we respond to real criticism.
If you really want to show how hard you are attack what the person says and debunk it but don`t resort to sandpit tactics and attack them.
But it does take just a quick glance maybe three seconds for someone to evaluate you when you meet for the first time,
Absolutely. I've heard that the actual words we speak form about 7% of people's impression of us, the other 93% is tone, body language and so on. The number seems suspiciously exact to me, but we can fairly say, "only a little bit of people's impression of you is in the words you speak." So that leaves us in the poo a bit in discussion forums, where all we have is words. I mention again the example of Markos' wife saying that if all she knew of Markos was his newsletters, she wouldn't go to PTC.
Because of the Internet common sense seems have taken a long holiday and people are generally very confused, in my experience it all works there is no one way, are very respected here but at times you appear dogmatic my apologies if I'm wrong.
It's ironic that I seem dogmatic to you now, because in my long thread about becoming a personal trainer, I was accused of being too open-minded. "If the client doesn't like that style of training, tell them to fck off."
"Well," I said, "perhaps there is some compromise possible, after all the best workout is the one you stick to."
"You will be a useless PT giving out softcck workouts."

So some here have the impression I'm dogmatic and inflexible in offering training or training suggestions, others that I'm woolly-headed and slack. Did I change in a month or two? Probably not. So which am I, hard-arse or pussy? I can't say who's right, we are not very good judges of ourselves - but I can say you can't both be right.

I quite openly say that I will bust my arse to help someone to the extent of my knowledge, experience and ability. But they have to make at least a small effort back.

For example, during the summer break I went in five days a week for the two weeks the gym was open during the break, there to train with other students, let them practice coaching, and revise material with me. I got 6 people say "yes", only 2 showed up, once each. This pissed me off. I didn't expect people to bust their arse, nor did I expect anyone to say "yes". Lots weren't interested, fair enough.

But if they did say yes, I wanted them to actually show up and do something.

Dogmatic, naive, stupid, lazy, workaholic - hell if I know. But if someone asks for help, and I give it, I expect some small productive response of some kind. Call that what you like.

criticism is all well and good if you have the facts, if you know the persons background very difficult if you are sitting at your desk typing to another person 100 km away, even then you can only express your views based on your own experience.

I see a forum as a venue where people can swap ideas, experience and such lampoon.

This comment of we are bodybiulders therefore we are tough is silly.

Like fadi; we should live life that Conducts ourselves in a way that reflects well on lifting, while encouraging others to take up lifting.
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I offered an observation and got a full page essay response demeaning me.
I do not think i was disrespectful at all.
I think we and myself included make an opinion before we know the facts and then only give an opinion based on our experience, the person on the other end does not have the same view.

Something I think causes hostility is the mood created and moods influence the chemical function of your body.

Hormones are secreted or with held, largly in response to your moods.

But even here the question of cause and effect must be considered: that is does depression produce physical weakness or does such weakness cause depression.

Simply becoming convinced that your physical condition will improve is an important step in the right direction of producing such improvement.

How we converse has an impact on our own training and lives.
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You're quite right, Silverback. I should note that I'm not the only one who gets frustrated with people who don't listen, right, Silverback?

Again, I don't judge the woman's time-management abilities, I don't know her pressure or situation. If she says she's flat-out, she's flat-out. I simply note that if a person has no time for research or study, they're going to have a hard time during a course of education. Of course they may say, "well I'll make time for the course." So... no time to make sure the course is right for them, but do have time to do the course. Hmmm.

That's like someone who reckons they have no time to read (for example) Starting Strength, but do have time to do the workout. Is the issue really time, or something else?

I'm human ;-)
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