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What is Gluten?

True that. It is easy to see workmates who are intollerent though, just feed them some wheat products and watch them go for some antacit 2 hours later while they are burping and farting everywhere

A lot of that is people who avoid a certain food for a period of time then the stomach takes some adjusting to get used to that food when you reintroduce it. Not an actual intolerance.

The prime example for most of us is the first time you have protein power. The worst farts ever. Now most people never have any issues.
Some people actually ARE intolerant though

Yeah sure some are. Most aren't. I'm not saying there is no such thing as celiac disease. I just wouldn't believe people that tell you they are without ever being diagnosed by an actual doctor.

I'm sure I heard a doctor say there is no middle ground. You have the disease or you don't. Like I said the prevalence of celiac disease is about 1% of the population.
Heaps of people just self diagnose themselves or go to a naturopath who usually just tell everyone they are gluten intolerant. Its almost fashionable to be gluten intolerant these days.

Do get me started on bloody naturopaths, the mates missus who is all into her organics and cracks it when we buy caged eggs etc, yet she will pay $45 a kg for organics oats and $18 for 30 organic free range eggs, hahaha, went to a naturopath and was told exactly the same that she is most likely gluten intolerant and then got pushed all these pills for about $500 worth, hahaha

Holy shit those prices are ridiculous.

Like organic, gluten free is big business these days. At least gluten free has benefits for some certain people unlike organic.
Holy shit those prices are ridiculous.

Like organic, gluten free is big business these days. At least gluten free has benefits for some certain people unlike organic.

Yep, my mate is always bitching to me about how much she spends on organic crap, when he is out he will eat anything and so does his kids coz most of the organic crap she makes at home isn't very nice, funny thing is that I find is she and her kids seem to be always sick with something or other, yet our kids and mate never seem to be crrok and just eat a "normal" well balanced diet with meat and veg.
......, funny thing is that I find is she and her kids seem to be always sick with something or other, yet our kids and mate never seem to be crrok and just eat a "normal" well balanced diet with meat and veg.
This is very common with these type of people