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What are people using these days...

Ok, I started off on a bad foot, the moderator explained that I was talking shit, that's why I decided to ban myself.

On the fish oil, would it be better for people like nutrition experts, like max brenner to encourage people to eat real fish than telling then to take fish oil?

You would need to eat too much fish, and a lot of fresh fish especially the larger predatory ones like tuna have lots of heavy metals in the meat, so fish oil caps it is for most people, plus I do not like fish that much.

I have a few cans of tuna a week and that it for me fish wise.

I mix a teaspoon of creatine monohydrate into a small glass of orange juice and smash it back before I jump on the commute to work. That's the only supplement I'm using, and that's because I've found it's helping reduce recovery times.

This keeps coming up Creatine is NOT to be taken with orange juice or citric juice as it changes the structure of the creatine to something that does no longer work as intended, so your reduced recovery time either comes from the orange juice, or is a placebo affect, as it certainly is not from the creatine which is useless taken with orange juice!! Grape juice is supposed to be best for creatine, or just have it with water.

Have a read here : http://ausbb.com/bodybuilding-supplements/15529-creatine-magic-myth.html
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Yeah but you eat fish you don't need the fish oil, what's wrong with you?
Someone shoved a carrot up your ass or something.
Blended oats
BN Joint complex
BN Pre workout

Experimenting with...
Well, there was no reason to say what he said.

I asked a question and he says, " what's wrong with you"

It works both ways.

Respect, that is.

And where did he say that? Did I miss something? All I saw was Joel say what's the problem with just taking fish oil?
Yes i believe you should do your up most to consume your required micro's through food, but with that said certainly things can be difficult to meet purely through food for one reason or another (budget, convenience, allergies etc etc).

So that is where you supplement your diet to make up for any dietary deficiencies.

With the fish intake and omega's, minus all the possible risks with high fish intake (I'm not getting into that because this not what this questions and answer is about), it takes from memory about 1kg of fish to meet what most studies have shown to be required/effective amounts of dietary EPA and DHA.

Like I said, I've not met that person (I'm sure one day I'll meet an Eskimo). To cover your bases just purely from a dietary requirement point of view (little lone health benefits etc) for physiological needs, supplementation is warranted and been shown to be effective way to ensure dietary sufficiency.