New member
So you go to the gym, there's a guy ..... the biggest guy. You watch his every move, and you come away thinking ''ive got to do what he's doing ... i want to be as big as him''
This idea get's further drilled into you next time you grab the lastest muscle mag.
Your about to train yourself into a corner or injury.... we've all done it.
For the next few months you do all the moves you watched the big guy do, all the moves that give you the biggest pump (bicep curls, kick backs and leg extensions) and avoid the one's that give you less immediate feedback (squat/deadlift) the ones that force you to coordinate several joints/muscles at once.
After every workout you go home , rip off your shirt and pose infront of the mirror, you get so used to seeing your muscles in this pumped way you soon forget they dont look like this all the time, and espeically to everybody else.
Progress stalls, so you do what everybody doe's, you train more. Everyday some weeks, whole session's on your arms or chest , doing so many reps with so many machines , pumping your bicep its so engorged with blood you feel like superman.
Your now burning so many calories training everyday that development grinds to a stop (but i eat like ALLDAY and im not getting bigger). Well wot did we expect there's no excess calories for growth.
The breaking point will come.......!!!! Your elbow aches, or there's a pinch in your shoulder, 3-4 niggaling injuries. Some give up , others strap up,or pop some pain killers and struggle on, its going to get worse.
When did it happen??? When did 3x10 get implanted into are brain's????
Here's a thought..... why not 10x3 ??
Even better 5x3 , with more weight.... which is better ??
Doing 3x10 your probably only finding the last 2 reps hard?
Doing 5x3 every rep is hard
Which is better 2x hard reps of 10kg , or 3x hard reps of 20kg ??
Your body (muscles) will only adapt/grow when they need too, lifting heavier weight's = the need to be stronger = bigger muscles.
If you are not as big as you want to be, the most efficant way to get bigger is to squat, deadlift and bench a low amount of reps with as heavy amount off weight as you can.
Remembering to only lift 3-4 times max a week and eat enough to have calories left for growth after calories burnt working out.
Do this and your start to look big all the time (not pumped big).
After a few months of increasing the weight's ''NOT THE REPS'' your start to see proper results.
Your probably tell yourself , i've gone back to the basic's , but honestly it will probably be the first time you've done the basic's..........
This idea get's further drilled into you next time you grab the lastest muscle mag.
Your about to train yourself into a corner or injury.... we've all done it.
For the next few months you do all the moves you watched the big guy do, all the moves that give you the biggest pump (bicep curls, kick backs and leg extensions) and avoid the one's that give you less immediate feedback (squat/deadlift) the ones that force you to coordinate several joints/muscles at once.
After every workout you go home , rip off your shirt and pose infront of the mirror, you get so used to seeing your muscles in this pumped way you soon forget they dont look like this all the time, and espeically to everybody else.
Progress stalls, so you do what everybody doe's, you train more. Everyday some weeks, whole session's on your arms or chest , doing so many reps with so many machines , pumping your bicep its so engorged with blood you feel like superman.
Your now burning so many calories training everyday that development grinds to a stop (but i eat like ALLDAY and im not getting bigger). Well wot did we expect there's no excess calories for growth.
The breaking point will come.......!!!! Your elbow aches, or there's a pinch in your shoulder, 3-4 niggaling injuries. Some give up , others strap up,or pop some pain killers and struggle on, its going to get worse.
When did it happen??? When did 3x10 get implanted into are brain's????
Here's a thought..... why not 10x3 ??
Even better 5x3 , with more weight.... which is better ??
Doing 3x10 your probably only finding the last 2 reps hard?
Doing 5x3 every rep is hard
Which is better 2x hard reps of 10kg , or 3x hard reps of 20kg ??
Your body (muscles) will only adapt/grow when they need too, lifting heavier weight's = the need to be stronger = bigger muscles.
If you are not as big as you want to be, the most efficant way to get bigger is to squat, deadlift and bench a low amount of reps with as heavy amount off weight as you can.
Remembering to only lift 3-4 times max a week and eat enough to have calories left for growth after calories burnt working out.
Do this and your start to look big all the time (not pumped big).
After a few months of increasing the weight's ''NOT THE REPS'' your start to see proper results.
Your probably tell yourself , i've gone back to the basic's , but honestly it will probably be the first time you've done the basic's..........