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Unsure.. Need PT Melb south east suburbs

Bree, those tings he got you to attempt could have propably been researched.
Places like T-Nation have a mountain of article authored by industry specialists. I bet what he recommended you is nothing grounbreaking.

Good to hear that at least he is genuinly interested.

If I was a PT I would use reverse phsycology and tell my clients to never read books or research on the net because it's all crap, because if they did they would realise that it is not rocket science and they really do not need to pay anyone to learn.
Have to say you are incredibly close minded when it comes to PTs, Shrek! I would not have ever thought of doing Olympic lifts, chin ups, etc. I didn't know enough about anatomy to know what muscles in my back were the reason why I kept having shoulder problems or what program I needed to correct the problem (and it has saved me a fortune on physio bills as well). Years of physios and doctors were unable to help me get real movement through my ankles due to my achilles problems.

Sure I could look on line and take a stab, but it certainly wouldn't be more than an educated guess. Look at all of the people in gyms who use appalling technique, not doubt informed by the internet and muscle mags. I could post on T-nation and get 20 different responses, all which contradict each other and none of which are tailored to my specific problems and lifestyle.
I have nver had anyone show me any technique and I belkieve my technique is spot on. I've hd one injury in 19 years and that was my fault for not warming up properly.
Olympoic Lifts. Gee that's the first thing a newb should be doing.
T-Nation was just an example, therer are hundred's more places where you can learn, like I said there are thousands of vids on Youtube and what not.
Also if technique is a problem then hire a PT for 1 session to show you technique if you are worried. They are not required every workout.
PT's are glorified spotters.
What do you do for a living, Shrek? I'm sure if we thought about it we could figure how everyone could do that for themselves and therefore you're useless

Not all of us want to spend our lives researching everything and trying and failing and researching some more. We don't want to spend our lives with our noses in cookbooks and car manuals and car engines and electrical manuals and in dusty attics and mixing concrete and all the rest. We just want to get stuff done while we focus on the stuff we really do enjoy.

What do you do for a living?
I'm a Telecommunications Technician come Project Manager. It's a highly specialized occupation that requires years of training and experience.
Training in the gym doesn't. Training in the gym can be learnt with a few hours research and some common sense and some trial and error regarding diets and routines.
Training in the gym requires no certification, no prior experience and is so damn easy.

I feel like I'm flogging a dead horse here.
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Indeed, telecommunications technician requires years of training. But surely we could just wait for things to break down, then research how to fix them? I don't need to know every aspect of the job, just how to fix what's broken at the moment. And I've had lots of problems with telecommunications over the years, so obviously most technicians are useless.

See how it's done? It's bollocks.

In the end, we have got to look at results. Every year, hundreds of thousands of Australians join a gym or buy some exercise equipment, and most of the population have access to the internet and the information required.

Yet we're one of the most obese countries in the world.

So obviously, simple access to the equipment and the information isn't enough to help people achieve their aims. Otherwise we'd be a nation of buff people. And we sure ain't.

When Arnold Schwarzenegger trained for his last Mr Olympia, he hired Franco Columbu to train him. If a six-time Mr Olympia needs help to achieve his goals, I'm not sure why the rest of us should expect to fly solo.

The dead horse you're flogging is your own obtuseness.
"PTs never help you, they can't help anyone."
"One helped me."
"And me too."
"No they didn't really help you, you could have done it yourself."
"No, seriously, they helped me."
"La la la la I can't hear you, me smart you poopyhead!"

You have to accept other people's experiences as valid. If I say someone's knowledge and enthusiasm helped me, then it really did. If you say none have helped you, then none have. Both our experiences can be true at the same time, because people and experiences are individual.

But we can't generalise about our experiences to an extreme, saying that this or that profession is always good and useful, or always bad and useless. The truth lies in the sensible middle ground: some telecommunications technicians are stupid and lazy, some are smart and hard-working, most just muddle along. Likewise with PTs.

Again, PTs like gyms are not useful or good for everyone, and often are useful for a short time for a particular situation only. And not all PTs are good at their jobs, and not all gyms are well-equipped. But many are, and those are useful and good and help many people.

Most people's aim in doing physical training is to reach a certain state they can maintain. Most people don't want to win powerlifting contests or marathons or bodybuilding competitions. They just want to have good looks, a good feeling, and be able to perform well daily tasks and sporty hobbies. The barrier to this a lack of knowledge and motivation.

In 3-6 months with a good gym and/or a trainer most people can achieve this, and will then have enough knowledge and motivation of their own to keep on with it. If I become a personal trainer, I will measure my success in this way: after 3-6 months they don't need me anymore, and if I see them five years later they'll still be in as good shape as when I saw them last.
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Let's just assume all PT's are hard working and thorough, the knowledge that they give to you does not require lot's of studying and training. What I do does. I cannot teach you how to be come at Telecommincations technician in 4 hrs but it that time or less i can teach you to train properly and have an understanding of the basic principals of resistance training to allow you to train alone. Sure you won't be a wealth of knowledge but it will be sufficient to make a start and experience of what works well and what doesn't will come. That's the point I'm trying to make.

Let's just agree to disagree otherwise we'll just go around in circles.
Health and fitness is just as dynamic an industry as telecommunications. Science is constantly progressing as is technology. I work for one of the biggest sporting companies in the world. The trainers who look after the athlete's who represent our companies NEED to constantly update their skills, learn new techniques, understand bio-mechanics. A crap trainer is one who supports a one size fits all model such as do a bit of cardio, watch your diet and lift weights- you'll lose weight and get toned. But it doesn't always work like that. People have different requirements, body types, etc. and this is why trainers need to keep building their knowledge to find out what works best for what client. And if someone just needs a trainer to kick them in the butt, so what? They have identified motivation as their weakness and work on it. And how many people actually have time to read and comprehend all of the literature on exercise? I am out of the house by 7am for work and not back until 8:30pm- pretty standard for someone working full time in Sydney. Sorry if I prefer to pay someone to spend countless hours researching rather than do it myself.
For the original poster, I'm from Berwick as well and I got to Genesis (you should know it if your 'round Berwick) and the PT's there are pretty good from what I've heard. I don't use a PT but know w few people who do and they love it.

P.S "gtrb26dett" huh?? R32, R33 or R34?
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Shrek,while your argument is solid it is a fact that most people are idiots who need/want to be told what to do,how to do it,why,when and where.
In your world (and mine for that matter) we wouldn`t need shop assistants,
PT`s,traffic cops,crossing guards, and even various kinds of teachers/instructors but the sad fact is most people can`t/won`t do anything for themselves.
I`m speaking from experience here.Ask anyone who has taught English in Japan and they will tell you how much of a bullshit job it is.I`ve got students I`ve had for years and they literally cannot string two words together.These
fools keep me in constant work.I can`t wait to get out of it.3 years more is all I have to put up with this bullshit............
Ask anyone who has taught English in Japan and they will tell you how much of a bullshit job it is.I`ve got students I`ve had for years and they literally cannot string two words together.


awesome teaching skillz!
All bragging aside, pretty good.I can handle myself in pretty much any situation,banks,tax office etc.I do a bit of translating as well so I need to be able to understand kanji.
Not as good as when i used to study my arse off though.I could once write fairly fluently and read a newspaper.
That's good, I'd love to be able to speak it, I'm heavily into Jap cars and would love to go there and see all the races and buy some cheap/er parts

One day.

32... rb26dett > 2jz-gte
If you are ever serious about learning it forget doing it in Australia.
Get into a Japanese (in Japan) language school and stay for a few months and
study your arse off.
You will progress more than you would in a year at uni.Seriously.
I remember playing host at a funtion for 2nd year Japanese language
students from Australia at an event here and their level was terrible
considering how many hours they had put into it.