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Not sure if I want to Lesnar Vs Mir again? Despite mir winning one by sub, apart from that it looked like and adult bashing up a little kid.

I wouldn't mind lesnar coming back to the UFC but I think most might have passed him buy.
How the hell did Brock Lesnar pass drug tests while in the UFC. Must have a good "PED Coach"?
KFG watched some of Bellator. Lordy Kongo looked bad against King Mo.

Daley did well in his fight, didn't get the stoppage win but dropped his opponent twice in the 3rd round and even though he was mounted late in the round l had it 30-26.

Invicta doesn't really interest me to much, l'll tune in for the cyborg fight though.
Bit of a side note here. I read a few MMA articles and in the comments without fail people complaining about how poorly the fighters are payed and Dana White is a **** ect. Then those same people are the ones talking about not paying to watch the card and illegally downloading it.
What for? Did I miss something?

When Joe asked her questions post fight she dropped a couple of 'fucks' in there which you get fined 'x' amount for.... Joe should have called the interview l think as you could tell she was shell shocked but it wasn't him swearing. l hope they don't take any of her money though, no point really.
Not a shock result I don't think.
Despite them saying it was rondas biggest test. Cat is a slow starter, she was losing her ufc fights before she got back on top. I was going to be surprised if she lasted a minute.

And not looking good if the ufc is counting on holly holm to challenge ronda. Powder puff striking and doesn't look like she would be hard for ronda to take down.
Agreed, she wasn't going to offer anything on a higher level than what Ronda had faced before. Tate probably is her biggest threat currently in the UFC and Ronda handles her every time.

l'm glad it wasn't just me who though Holly Holm looked like shit... Her fucking noises each time she threw something was annoying as well. If she couldn't out away 'rocky' than she's not going to do anything against Ronda besides get beat down. Good on Ronda trying to sell the Holly and Beth fight but she'll walk through those 2 easier than other fights for sure. Cyborg is the only 'threat' against her.
Yeah those noises were a bit annoying.

The question is with the Cyborg fight. Can she make the weight? Her boxing coach has said the cut to 145 is brutal and doesn't know if she can make 135.

Even if she does make 135lb what's she going perform like at that weight?

She can. She's just gotta lay off the gear and drop some weight before the last bit of the weight cut.

In any case I don't see cyborg winning. From what I see she thrashes away a lot and will get taken down and submitted.

From what I remember Gina Carano took her down. Now it's a while ago but if she can do that, ronda will do it with ease.
Cyborg does have that tendency to brawl too often relying on her strength to overwhelm her small opponents.

Carano took her down and had her mounted at one point before moving to side control i think for whatever reason. Unless cyborg can hulk smash rousey she'll get tripped and worked over hard after a scramble... i do see rousey dropping more ground and pound than usual before going for the sub on the one though.