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Tried some weights today


Overloaded Member
I'm tempted to go with the alternative, simple routine, after having tried a few different things. For example, I found Barbell Rows really awkward, and standard deadlifts appeal more than SLDL. And for now, power cleans scare me. Oh, and I can do about one or two chinups if I'm lucky. Haven't even tried dips. Yeah, I know.

This is the routine I mean:

A. Squats
B. Bench press
C. Dead lift
D. One arm d/bell rows
E. D/bell presses or B/bell military presses.
Here's my results. No experience, no exercise to speak of for about... 15 years? Skinnyfat. But here goes, I thought to myself, as I hauled my ass to the local gym to see what I can do right now:

Age 35, ~185cm, ~95kg.

Squat 80kg
Bench 62.5kg
DL 100kg
1-Arm DB Row 32.5kg
MP 40kg

Some of those look a bit weird (I mean, they're all crap, sure, but maybe some are a bit disproportionate?) but at least I know where I'm at.

I was making sure form was good as can be all the way, but didn't have a spotter. As soon as form felt lacking at all, I immediately went back down to the "comfortable" weight. When I get used to some of these things, and my confidence improves, maybe there'll be some improvement straight away.
Mate you have started and that's all that matters. With your workout, just do everything with a barbell for now. As you have said, at least you know where you stand. Glad to see another join the iron game, it will change your life mate. The reason i say do everything with a barbell for now is because it will promote a balance of strength and symetry about you, forget the one arm rows for now and do standing overhead press as well, it will help with all the stabilizing muscles. I have my old man doing this workout, he started on the 2nd of Jan:
Bench press
Standing barbell bicep curls
SOHP (standing over head press)
Deadlifts (conventional)

He is doing this 3 times a week, starting with 3x5 on all lifts with plenty of rest between sets. The most important thing is to stick with a basic routine for at least 3 months, some would say much longer than this, and just record your progress as you will/should progressively increase the load. At first it will be easy to add weight every workout, than it will be every other workout, than eventually weekly.
Good luck
+1 on the beginner program. Currentely doing that now and im alternating Deadlifts for SLDL each session, also doing chinups instead of curls...
I got the routine I was thinking about from the top of this thread.

Like I said, barbell rows felt really strange, and far more difficult. Don't know why. Chinups, I just can't do (more than maybe a couple). Yep, that sucks, but I'm flat out weak, as it stands. Weights first, and then I might be able to actually add stuff like pullups, dips, etc.

The OHPs I did were with a barbell, standing. I could definitely feel the... stabilisers? All the other muscles, doing their thing. Or trying to.

Three warmup sets of about two or three reps, with each thing, which I hoped was about right.

So many things to learn, keep track of. But whatever it takes, I'm in.

Oh and thanks for the replies. Not trying to be difficult here, just making sense of it all, bit by bit.
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Age 35, ~185cm, ~95kg.

Squat 80kg
Bench 62.5kg
DL 100kg
1-Arm DB Row 32.5kg
MP 40kg

1. Well done.
2. It's great to see that you've ordered meat and potatoes for your first and main course.

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Nice work mate.

Good routine as well, but like most mentioned lose the db rows and do barbell rows, start light and get the form right and you will be sweet.

Re chin ups they are hard, I struggle to do more than 3 at a time, my new years resolution is to be able to do ten.

Start of doing sets of one chin up, then rest, then one more, then rest till you get to 5 once you can do that do the same till ten, then start doing two chins rest, two rest etc etc you get he idea. You can use the same for dips as well!
I've been at a beginners program for about 3 months now and most of my lifts have improved by about 20-30kg at least. Still lots of work to be done but i'd recommend that program for you. Since starting the best advice that I've been given is listen to your body. When it comes to different exercises only you know yourself what is best for you so just do what you feel is best. I've been through a few different beginner programs and i've finally found one thats best for me, Theres lots of different things that can influence you on the internet. Give it a month and you will see results. I've seen results since starting even though I don't feel like I look much different, people around me notice that my body has changed. So I guess you should stick with that if your most comfortable with that
Thanks, Mick and Fadi. Glad to be getting into this stuff. Just thought I'd start a thread about that, and see what kind of suggestions, humour, insults or encouragement I might get. Worked out pretty well, I reckon.

Sam, where did that program come from?
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All came from this website. There was a few different ones that I tried before I found one that suited me