I'm tempted to go with the alternative, simple routine, after having tried a few different things. For example, I found Barbell Rows really awkward, and standard deadlifts appeal more than SLDL. And for now, power cleans scare me. Oh, and I can do about one or two chinups if I'm lucky. Haven't even tried dips. Yeah, I know.
This is the routine I mean:
Age 35, ~185cm, ~95kg.
Squat 80kg
Bench 62.5kg
DL 100kg
1-Arm DB Row 32.5kg
MP 40kg
Some of those look a bit weird (I mean, they're all crap, sure, but maybe some are a bit disproportionate?) but at least I know where I'm at.
I was making sure form was good as can be all the way, but didn't have a spotter. As soon as form felt lacking at all, I immediately went back down to the "comfortable" weight. When I get used to some of these things, and my confidence improves, maybe there'll be some improvement straight away.
This is the routine I mean:
Here's my results. No experience, no exercise to speak of for about... 15 years? Skinnyfat. But here goes, I thought to myself, as I hauled my ass to the local gym to see what I can do right now:A. Squats
B. Bench press
C. Dead lift
D. One arm d/bell rows
E. D/bell presses or B/bell military presses.
Age 35, ~185cm, ~95kg.
Squat 80kg
Bench 62.5kg
DL 100kg
1-Arm DB Row 32.5kg
MP 40kg
Some of those look a bit weird (I mean, they're all crap, sure, but maybe some are a bit disproportionate?) but at least I know where I'm at.
I was making sure form was good as can be all the way, but didn't have a spotter. As soon as form felt lacking at all, I immediately went back down to the "comfortable" weight. When I get used to some of these things, and my confidence improves, maybe there'll be some improvement straight away.