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training partner


Theres a guy at the gym who asked me about becoming his training partner last week.. he trains at the same time and has the same level of experience and lifts.
Ive been lifting by myself for the last 4-5 years. Not sure if im ready to make the commitment as it requires me to change my ruotines and workouts..
Then again training partners push each other and so forth so its a positive.


No he isnt gay!! and yes his rather good looking in a non homo kind of way:cool:
You will definitely do better with a good training partner, coach or trainer than on your own. Having someone else to push you when you're slacking, hold you back when you're going too hard, and watch your form to make sure each rep counts - it makes a HUGE difference.

It also makes you more regular, maybe you don't feel like it today, but so-and-so will be waiting for you, so... :)
I wouldn't mind a training partner, but I don't like anyone slowing me down in the gym cause I go hardout. If he trains just as hard as you it could have a positive effect. But has to be the right person for you. Give him a week, see how it goes.
yeah ive had training partners in the past and ive outlasted most of em.. Still training till today. They just quit training all together. But while we were training i gained some massive results.

gareer - yeah he trains hard knows all the basic training principals. I gave him a look at the PPP program and he was pretty keen on it.

Silverback - Yeah i gotta keep changing my routine.. Getting sick of going through the motions at the gym. bills stars/PPP keeps me interested in training.
I still don't understand why you need to change your routine.
Is it to accommodate the training partner?
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I still don't understand why you need to change your routine.
Is it to accommodate the training partner?
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Ah yes in the past ive had to change my routine in some exercises. Its to do with the days they train their bodyparts/strength differences.. the old 2 bodypart Bodybuilding split.

1. For instance i dont do lateral cable pulldowns he might.
2. He trains legs on wed i do on monday. Days dont matter much but i generally do bench/legs/deads not bench/deads/legs i.e Upper/upper/lower in three days
3. He's much stronger on dumbell presses im weaker/ im stronger on Mp's his much weaker.
4. We like to train different ancillary exercises. He likes triceps presses im into dips.

The mains lifts like dead/squats/bench are fine its the smaller things that need to be nutted out.
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You don't need to change anything if you adopt a; I supervise your workout, then you supervise me plan.

You train him first to set atmosphere, you set up the equipment to minimize downtime, you count reps, and push him.
Then at the completion of the workout you train he supervises, I find this is the most result producing methods when training with someone.
You can still keep your template.
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by supervising i assume u mean spotting/counting reps on the weaker exercises

Yes, more importantly making sure form does not deteriorate through an exercise, looking at his log the particular exercise and telling him his target, it can be fun, for example his last effort was say 8 reps, you tell him he did 9 he's got to get 12 or he's a pussy, more often than not they hit the number you set.
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Partners prolong the workout. I don't like hold ups or waiting for him / her to finish set, re load bars etc. Nope.
Partners prolong the workout. I don't like hold ups or waiting for him / her to finish set, re load bars etc. Nope.

Training with one other person, i like. Sure you have to change the weights etc but as long as you each do a side i just take that as my rest time.

Also i find that training with someone gives me more confidence when doing bench press. I never lift as heavy as i can when i train by myself as im not confident i will get the bar back up :D
By the time they do their set and then reload weights for me it's too long between sets.
I don't like waiting more than 2 mins between sets.
If you are worried about benching with no spotter do weighted push ups. Me I like the fact I have no spotter and I (at all costs) must lift the weight or I may die from asphixiation. :o
You should be able to get it Between your belly button and your nuts and then just stand up! Lol, no point crushing your junk lol
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