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training in rabens


New member
hey guys you will probably wanna hit me for this but do you reckon its ok to train in rabens?
doing such things as squats, deads etc etc
i have a set of orthotics i can put in.
also while we are on this with my squat my left ankle rolls quite about in during my squat and my toes seem to point out a fair bit too feels normal for me. ill get some vids for you soon if you need me to
rabens are more than fine to workout in. i workout in rabens for the most part. they are fine to work out in if you have good feet mechanics.

it sounds as if you have a problem that makes your ankle roll in which is no good.

do your orthotics help?
haven't yet tried with them in will do next session.
ahh glad they are ok i know some people deadlift bare foot but the rest might of been diffrent.
Iv'e recently just bought a pair for my dead's. Previously was going barefoot but it's a **** around in the gym, so the rabens do the trick. I wouldn't use them for squats though, i like a like heel elevation/support.
I personally couldnt train in rabens, didnt have enough heel support for me.