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Throw Briggs in Jail


Private Dancer
What a fine advertisement for boxing the Green v Briggs fight was. Driving home from work yesterday I heard on the radio that there was massive betting plunge on Green to win by ko in the first round.

When I saw the "highlights" of the fight this morning - correction, I saw the whole 29 secs replayed, I couldn't believe what a farce it was. Briggs took a dive, 100% certain of that. My 86yo grandmother wouldn't have gone to the canvas from that glancing brush.

There is a really bad smell around this fight and I wouldn't be surprised to see police involved. I'd like to see Briggs punished severely. On top of that he also weighed in 3 kgs over the agreed limit and arrogantly dismissed it as no big deal.
Hi mate,

Agree completely. I watched the whole 29 secs on youtube too and was disgusted. Green immediately came out and accused him of being a dog and said he wouldn't get paid a cent as his camp promoted the fight. Then I read in the media that Briggs came out and implied Green knew what was going on too.

All very ugly.

Be careful... you don't know if he has major neurological issues or not. I really don't think he took a dive, it's just not the aussie way.

SO SEVERE were Paul Briggs's neurological problems in the weeks leading up to his fight against Danny Green that he was forgetting at which gymnasium he was training and mistaking strangers' cars for his own. His conditioning was so poor that he took one body shot in sparring and vomited.
Briggs's woeful 29-second performance on Wednesday night was not of a man taking a dive, but one who was so desperate for his $200,000 purse he was willing to risk his life in the ring. Briggs, his people, and much of boxing's circle knew the reality of the situation. This was going to be a farce.
He completely lost his bearings after Green landed a probing left jab to the top of his skull – a punch that would not have moved a half-fit boxer – and Briggs said later he was trying to get up, but his body could not respond.
In the dressing room after the fight, Briggs had a conversation with a close friend and later asked those around him who he had just been speaking to, such was his delirium.
This is why Briggs should never have returned to the ring, why the Western Australian Professional Combat Sports Commission should never have sanctioned it when their NSW counterparts refused to, and why the International Boxing Organisation should have rejected any notion of Briggs fighting for one of their titles. A source close to Briggs said yesterday he was "battling".
Briggs condition is well documented and i could not believe he was allowed to fight in the first place, He went back into to training to fight Mundine one part there and only lasted 2 weeks before the trainer said no go as his health problems where apparent.
Dive, without a doubt.

Look at the delay between when he is hit, and when he starts to fall.

Took a good jab to the guts at 0:11 though.

Will be interesting to see Chris' comment on this.

Poor effort from Briggs! - was all the talk about poor conditioning etc etc just a excuse to fix the fight???

Danny Green is a class act and handled it well I think.

Some may disagree but I feel boxing is abit of a dying sport....to much shit around it and not enough fighting...and not enough good fighters...
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Boxing really is strugglig right now.

It pains me to see all this rubbish. It's one of the greatest sports ever, but most of the competitors right now are just naff.

It's unfortunate it's having a bad period right when mma is starting to get some quality fighters too. Doesn't make it hard for viewers to choose between them.
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I think the doc who let him fight is the one who needs to be answering the questions.

I must say that I think boxing is dieing. It can't compete with UFCs popularity.
That said, I hope someone knocks mundine out before boxing is finished up :P
What's wrong with Mundine, I thought he was liked by the Aussies? If it's his mouth, then is that not how boxers talk, or is there another reason why you gentlemen don't like him?

He is arrogant and a loud mouth, doesn't sit to well with a lot of people. He has one mighty chip on his shoulder.
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And he won't fight a decent opponent.
When he did Sven Otke punched his lights out.

He's afraid, very afraid.
mundine himself is a chicken... he only fights people he wants to. ones he knows he can beat. i didlike him as a person i do think he is a good boxer but he never will be remembered as a great boxer. arrogant, smug, and chicken
Yeah right, the chicken that put Danny Green himself in his place. Mundine is the best Australian fighter ever, period. You can include Fennech in that list.

People don't like him because of his mouth. Sure he's got a big ego, but he's got the goods to back it.

I've met Choc personally and seen a side of him you guys wouldn't know. I watched him visit a dying girl who was the daughter of a friend of mine in hospital several times a week. The media circus would turn up occassionally and want to milk the situation but I remember him asking the girl on one occassion if she wanted the media around and she told him to tell them to f*ck off. So he turned to them and said, you heard the girl, f*ck off. He'd then spend an hour or two just sitting with her and talking about nothing and basically making her feel better. Don't just believe the media invented face of Anthony Mundine. He really is the man behind the mask. He's also got an amazing sense of humour and positive attitude in person. What he lacks in humility he more than makes up for in other regards.

Be careful not to judge what you don't know.

I hope I'm wrong, but I'm always concerned the dislike of Anthony Mundine is actually closet racism excused as disliking arrogance. Again, I hope I'm wrong and that the Australian people are bigger than that. He's a national hero.
