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Thoughts on coconut oil?

I started using it about 2 years back before the hype train had fully rolled in. It was hard to find and only Indian stores sold it with the other cooking oils. I would cook with it, put a tablespoon on my oats, throw a bit in a smoothie/shake now and then. The taste didn't bother me, but personally I didn't feel any better using it, if anything, I felt a big sluggish. It also caused quite a bit of fat gain pretty rapidly.

After a few months I stopped using it as I didn't experience any of its health claims, and even if I did, I don't know how long I could put up with it with the increasing body fat.
Sounds like you were using a lot?

were you factoring in the calories and fat value to your macros?

would it be fair to say you would have the same fat gain if you ate equivalent volume of other fats?
Sounds like you were using a lot?

were you factoring in the calories and fat value to your macros?

would it be fair to say you would have the same fat gain if you ate equivalent volume of other fats?

Not heaps, it was mostly replacing the usual cooking oil with coconut oil and regular milk with coconut milk/cream. I will admit this was a few years ago when I didn't log what I was eating, but I did eat pretty consistently. I would say that my overall calories were higher seeing fat is quite calories dense (9 calories per gram), so you don't need a lot to be in a calorie surplus. I'm sure if I ate other fats I would have put the weight on as well. But like I said, I didn't see any advantage of coconut oil over other fats or feel any effects of the health claims.

Coconut milk/cream is quite hight in fat and calories.
Who are "they" everyone's talking about and what claims are "they" making about coconut oil?

can someone enlighten me?
what changes are meant to be felt and how long does it take ffs.

are they outrages?
Who are "they" everyone's talking about and what claims are "they" making about coconut oil?

can someone enlighten me?
what changes are meant to be felt and how long does it take ffs.

are they outrages?

From eatdrinkpaleo.com.au

Sounds legit.
Coconut milk/cream is quite hight in fat and calories.

you can get cartoned coconut milk now that is around 2% fat. Sanitarium and Vitasoy make it here.

Moral of the story with coconut oil is as some of you have already said: if you like it, have it.

But if you don't (I don't), you are not missing out on anything.

The main problem with all the hype about coconut oil and it's miraculous properties is that none of them have been substantiated in any serious way by scientific study. there has been a considerable body of work on it, but nothing conclusive to show real causal links.

Also, it's so freaking high in saturated fat that it's just not healthy in the amounts that crazy self professed nutrition gurus recommend for its consumption. You end up pole vaulting over a daily quota for sat fats really fast.
you can get cartoned coconut milk now that is around 2% fat. Sanitarium and Vitasoy make it here.

I must admit I have tried that and it's not bad...not bad at all (stroke chin). There is an unsweetened coconut and almond milk too which has not much of anything in it, but that unfortunately includes taste.
I must admit I have tried that and it's not bad...not bad at all (stroke chin). There is an unsweetened coconut and almond milk too which has not much of anything in it, but that unfortunately includes taste.

lolz yep the combo is yuk!!

I prefer almond milk. not a fan of coconut milk personally but i have just started making a caramel that uses coconut milk and that's quite good. probably the only time i'll use it.
This is granted the coconut oil you are using is legit.

I got mine from this guy in a dark alley in Brisbane. He seemed trustworthy.

Sorry [MENTION=1]Admin[/MENTION];, unsure if we are allowed to post sources on here or not.