So there I was today ,minding my own business about to go down on my second rep squat for 110kg when this young fella and his mate come over 'you finished there buddy', meanwhile I'm half way through the squat, when I get to the top he asks again, and I say, what do u think pal?...So I proceed to do my 3rd rep (which is mighty hard for me, so my eyes are red and I'm trying my arse off) and the silly fucker is so close to the rack that I bop him on the head with the bar as I go down, this fumes me so I smash my way back up, rack the bar and proceed to yell at him when his mate says fair go buddy, you didn't have to hit him on the head........Arrrrrgh, I was like WTF mate. They acted like I did it deliberately, wish I was strong enough to man handle 110kg and aim it at someone LOL... frig me, what a dick!