Didn't know where to post this so I thought in here.
Gold Coast again. Doing my usual outdoor workout (checking hair, few poses etc).
Dude rocks up on a Bike (sunglasses on). Does a few Chin Ups. Then goes to the Dip Bars. Does Dip into L-Sit into a Hand Stand, all on the Dips Bars and as one movement.
When you think about it, it's a full body workout:
Legs: Cycling.
Abs: L-Sit
Back including Spinal Erectors: Chins and Handstand.
Chest, Delts and Tris: Dip
Bi's: Chins.
I said full body, I didn't say good full body. For the nitpicking kunce!
Kunt was gone in 10 minutes. Didn't even take his Sunnies off.